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Baby Boy Blue,
Our due date for you has been officially changed by a week… so it may be another week before we see you. We can’t wait to hold you, see you and touch you, but I’m also so infatuated by you even in my belly that it doesn’t really matter much. The appointments with our midwife, whom you will meet someday soon, says you are doing very well, and you’re healthy. We love hearing that strong heartbeat. Every day it seems that I get hungrier and hungrier and you seem to move more and more. I can’t sit or lay still without you rolling, tumbling and kicking. Your big sister puts her hand on my stomach now to feel you move, and of course daddy loves to feel you too. Today, Aliyah was talking to you and then just started blowing raspberries on my belly. It made us both laugh so hard, she just kept doing it. I’m sure you heard us, and we’re excited for you to join in on the fun. Oh, and this week I’ve been picking out fabric, materials and blankets for your new room… it’s been so much fun!
Sara says
You look so darling! Yea baby blue!
Crystal Rae says
Of course Aliyah had to give you a raspberry, lol. Also, those pants are cute, LOL.
Tooj says
You’re looking fabulous. That top is adorable….I think I want one.
antoinette marie says
thanks for sharing your immense joy during this time with everyone…it’s inspirational as a parent! blessings…
septembermom says
You look so cute! Love these little notes to your baby 🙂
Baby Mama says
you look gorgeous as always! i wish I had your fashion sense 🙂 cant wait to see the little man!
Tracy says
you look amazing!
Izzy 'N Emmy says
Such a beautiful mommy!
[email protected] says
Love those pictures 🙂
kisatrtle says
looking great!
Sarah @ When two becomes three... says
I think that week 25 is my fave so far. That outfit is awesome! Is that wind I see in the photo or is your hair always so blowy???:O) Beautiful T!
Corey~living and loving says
GIRL! you look great. do you use a fan for your hair. LOVE the hair. 🙂
Chris says
bythe way, you might want to join my giveaway
Geezees Geezees Custom Canvas Art says
You look great…love the photos!
Renee says
Some of the very best times in my life.
You look beautiful. Really beautiful.
Love Renee xoxo
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
You look great and I LOVE that maternity shirt – so cute!
Live.Love.Eat says
Love it. You’re a beautiful prego gal!!!!
Briony says
these are my fave. love that sweater 🙂
Aunt Spicy says
So exciting!!!!!
April says
wow, can’t believe you’re 25 weeks already! you look great and i LOVE that top!!!
jennykate77 says
LOVE these pics!! You will have such an amazing documentation of your pregnancy when it’s all said and done!! You look absolutely GORGEOUS!
Tricia Nugen says
How cute are you? Love it honey!