There it was, nestled into the middle of the week, in the midst of busy schedules and days of rain… a moment that unfolded beautifully. It was a break, a breath.
A break in the string of gray and rain. A break from our normal routine and list of to-dos.
We ventured to the place that draws us, that calls us. No matter what’s happening around, the place where the ocean laps the shore brings a freeing calm. A refreshing vibrancy. Though this time we hesitated to make the move, the first step towards our sea love. It would have been easier to stay instead of go, it would have been comfortable to stay in the comfort and confines of our home in our regular evening routine of dinner and bedtime. But we knew the reward would far out way the little bit of effort needed to get a family of five to the shore.
So, we answered. We threw some snacks and a towel into our beach bag and ran out the door. Our escape, our retreat was calling.
It was our exhale. That moment where feet touch the sugary crystals of sand, and our breath switches gears to find the slower rhythm of the waves.
I find that as a mother, and especially as a mother to little ones, we’re the gateway to their emotions and feelings. Yes, they have their own emotions, feelings and personalities… but our mood sets the tone for our entire household. I can tell that when they begin to get frustrated with the small things, like shoes not going on as quickly as they’d like or they’re easily agitated by brother and sister, it’s time for us all to take a big breath. To savor that slow inhale and exhale. To reset the tone of our home, and the moods of us all, beginning with me.
Escape and reset we did. As our toes burrowed into the shore line, I could feel our palpable and collective exhale. The scent of sand and salty surf resonated with each inhale and it was just what we needed. That Ahhhhh moment happened for all of us, together.
It didn’t take long, an hour venture away from home while the rain stayed away and we were good as new, our reserves of patience and understanding, focus and perseverance restocked and full.
I’m all about finding healthy and easy snacks for our family, especially when we’re on the go (because let’s face it, if it were totally up to me to make and prepare all of our healthy snacks, we’d either be starving or eating very bad things all too often), and so these Nature’s Bakery fig bars arrived at just the right time. I’ve always liked fig bars, with fond memories of my dad and I stacking them with slices of cheddar cheese, just the way he did with his father. This time, I was able to share the tradition with my own kids, with our own spin on it. I was thoroughly impressed by the range of flavors, my favorites being Mango and Strawberry, while other’s enjoyed the Vanilla, Apple Cinnamon and others. These have been so easy for me to grab in the morning for a quick breakfast (I keep a couple in my purse too, since someone inevitably gets hungry while we’re out), and of course they’re great to throw in a bag for a trip to the beach… or wherever else you may find your own Ahhhhh moment.
This post was created in partnership with Nature’s Bakery. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Interested in learning more about Nature’s Bakery and winning free product and prizes? Join the Nature’s Bakery Fig Fanatics program and win a pack of fig bars! Thank you so much for supporting the companies that make this blog possible… and wherever you may find yourself, remember to take some time to find your own escape.
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