Are you tired of feeling like everyone around you has this ability to walk through life without all of the anxiety, stress and limitations that you feel?
If so, this episode is for you because I am sharing how to cultivate courage and boost your confidence. I’ll be discussing how to tell the difference between fear and excitement, how to change your relationship with your thoughts, and I’ll be providing you with research-backed evidence and action steps to change the way you see the world, giving you the confidence to cultivate your courage. And I’ll be sharing one game-changing question you can ask yourself to figure out those next steps towards your dreams!
Table of Contents
In this episode, I discuss:
- If you’re feeling hungry for more but aren’t quite sure what that would even look like, ask yourself this question – If I had all the time, all the money or all the network in the world, what would I do?
- The importance of giving yourself the time and space to really explore this question. We are all creative but we often don’t give ourselves the opportunity to indulge this side of ourselves. Take yourself on a ‘stupid ideas walk’ where you can just brain-dump ideas (with the preface that most will be ridiculous!) and see what comes up!
- Being mindful of what is a story in your mind and what is reality. So often, we are holding on to limiting beliefs and not allowing ourselves to dream big, keeping ourselves small and stuck within our comfort zones. Check out Episode 1 – What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life – And How To Move Forward with Purpose for more on a powerful mindset shift to help shake off these limiting beliefs!
- The results of a Harvard study, called the Housemaid Study, which looked at a sample of 88 housemaids, all of whom had poor physical health. They took half the group and educated them about the calories burned in their daily tasks and how their work contributed to their physical fitness and found that this group who had this extra information, ended up losing weight, lowering their blood pressure and developing healthier body composition, without changing anything in their lifestyles! This just shows the power of the mind! Our bodies respond to what we believe!
- How to cultivate a courage response, firstly by harnessing the power of thought. If you catch yourself entertaining a fearful thought, acknowledge it for what it is – just a thought! By thinking about what you’re thinking, you are creating distance from the thought itself. Secondly, challenge the legitimacy of that fear, and distinguish between the sort of fear that means you should remove yourself from a situation, and a different kind of fear that might actually be underpinned by excitement instead.
- How our physical body and our mind responds to what we perceive is happening around us, so distinguish between the stories you’re telling yourself and what is reality, and use that to cultivate your courage and take those next steps to action!
I want to hear about your journey to cultivating courage! Message me at @radiantwomanhood and @tabithablue.
And if you know of another woman in your life who would benefit from this episode, please share this with her too.
And if you have any topics you’d like me to cover here on the Radiant Womanhood podcast, please DM me – I’m all ears!
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Connect with Tabitha:
- Have any questions for me or want to chat? Connect with me on Instagram at @radiantwomanhood or @tabithablue
- Check out my TikTok at @tabitha.blue
- Download my planning worksheets to help organize your life
- Download my *free* gratitude journal
- Check out my blog, the Fresh Mommy Blog
- Use my discount code FRESHMOMMY at Better Greens
Related episodes:
- Episode 1 – What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life – And How To Move Forward with Purpose
- Episode 5 – The Power Of a Single Word To Change Your Entire Year
- Episode 8 – Overcoming Procrastination For Good; How to Get Stuff Done When You Don’t Feel Like It
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