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Baby Boy Blue,
It’s been a good week of feeling you kick, squirm and move all over the place, especially when I eat. Something else started this week as well, or at least I began feeling them this week… contractions. My uterus is getting ready. While we were with the midwife, I had a big one, but she said it was normal, just practice for the big day. So I get to ‘practice’ at least a couple of times a day. This is new for me, I never have felt them before. This week you are almost 11 inches long and weigh about a pound! We began picking out paint for your big sister’s room, and once we get her all settled into her new room, we can get yours ready. I must have started nesting, because I can’t seem to keep the house clean enough and want to sort through everything. This week, during our pictures, your sister helped daddy take the pictures of us, and then got herself all dressed up and ready for her own portraits. It was adorable. She talks and sings to you everyday, and cannot wait to meet you!
lizcooper says
Seriously?! How adorable! And YOU could be a model! Even pregnant 🙂 I’m glad you’re feeling good!
Tabitha@ichoosebliss says
You are beautiful Tabitha and that little princess of yours is down right precious!!
Crystal Rae says
omg those are hilarious of Aliyah, She is so cute. And your looking adorable as ever. 🙂
A Southern Accent says
Sexy mama! Great pics! I wish I looked that good not pregnant!
aforestfrolic says
That is so sweet Tabitha! Just wait until Baby boy Blue is born, oh she will just eat him up!
Jamie 🙂
Prasti says
wohoo, hot mama! lookin’ good :). are you still considering a water birth?
Corrie Howe says
Just found your blog, what a great idea to chronicle for your soon to be born son. The pictures are beautiful, as are the subjects.
Kelly says
Looking so glamorous while being pregnant doesn’t seem right to me : )
Best wishes!
Blessedbymany says
Jerrie says
You look fantastic!
And Aliyah is adorable…those are fabulous! 🙂
SAYDA says
So sweet! You look great! She is so cute!!!
mommaof4wife2r says
you two are gorgeous! love the shots…and the baby blue bump is too cute!
Laura says
LOVE the second picture – absolutely beautiful!
[email protected] says
Glad everything is going well 🙂 beautiful pictures!
Tooj says
I giggled at how you’re looking at your own rear end in the top photo. 🙂 Your family is gorgeous.
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
You are one hot momma! And Baby Blue (will we still be able to call her that after the new baby blue arrives?) looks adorable in her dress up shoes!
precious!! 🙂
Stephanie says
Loving your weekly pictures! So fun! You look amazing!
Michelle says
Geeze, your going to look adorable through this entire pregnancy aren’t you? 🙂
Corey~living and loving says
looking good! 🙂 love sisters shots too. 🙂 tooooooo cute.
you are doing such a great job putting the two pics together. I know how hard it can be to make it look good. well done.
Drama queens mum (Kimberly) says
Your dress is so cute.
Cascia says
Beautiful photos! You look great.
Sara Elizabeth Bonds says
This post is too sweet! You look beautiful and big sister to-be is ADORABLE!
Sarah @ When two becomes three... says
You are working that bump lady! Love it!
Whimsical Creations says
You look fabulous! Your daughter is just the most precious darling!
♥ Boomer ♥ says
Kasey says
totally cute!
both of you…
Petula says
Your look fabulous! I love that picture. Big sister is a star in the making and I love her lady-like slippers! 🙂
Erin says
You look FABULOUS!! Happy 22 weeks, and your daughter….wow she’s gonna be a model!! SO CUTE!
antoinette marie says
hard to believe a little one could be as cute as aliyah, but i’m sure he’ll be just as adorable in his own way! …..give up the name already would ya! blessings…
Mama Zen says
You look gorgeous!
Christina Lee says
You do pregnancy well, Ms. Tabitha!
Staci says
She is so sweet! And you look wonderful!
Julie@Momspective says
These pictures are great and you look BEAUTIFUL!
Sarah @ says
I’m sooooo adoring these portraits. Especially the one with your little girl; how cute is she?!
Janie at Sounding Forth says
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
Maria @ Conversations with Moms says
You look gorgeous.
Casey's trio says
Ahhhh looks like you are all enjoying this pregnancy 🙂 Beautiful pictures.
Mighty M says
Looking good!