Because it’s Friday, and because my little loves and I had a wonderful time traipsing through blueberry bushes last night… because I have four pounds of blueberries in my fridge and a bug bite on my toe… because I’m absolutely smitten by summer and babies and sunshine, and because I’m ready for crisp apples and crisp air, for messes of flour and deliciously spiced fall baking in the kitchen… and because I love you, any comment on today’s post will enter you win a delightful little something.
Oh, you’d like to know what it is? Â Well, here’s a hint: you’ll like it.
Happy Friday!
Jaden Paige says
I want in!! Love that picture, too… I need to get out and go blueberry picking with my girl, she would love it 🙂
Ashlee says
I love these Pictures of the babies. Giveaways are Fun! Sorry about your toe bug bite. Those hurt and they are so annoying!
Janna Bee says
That picture is adorable!
Tooje says
That is a GREAT picture. Why does it always seem like you and your family are doing the most delightful, June and Ward Cleaver type of things? I love it. Happy Friday.
Annikke says
I love when you post pictures of the cutie pies! You have adorable children! I also love when you post a giveaway and won’t tell what it is! You are too cute and fun! Love that!
A Southern Accent says
Happy Friday to you too! Love the pic – can’t believe how big your little guy is already!
Katie Angline says
I love your the pic of your littles! I have so many blueberries i don’t know what i am going to with them all winter long, i guess blueberry pies and lots of blueberry pancakes 🙂
Ashley Sisk says
Happy Friday…I love that I’ll like it and yet I don’t know what it is. How exciting!
Ali says
I love this photograph. What is Aliyah looking at? She looks like she’s about to grab it! And Brayden is looking at the camera so intensely. Sadly, I’ve been so busy with work that I’ve missed the blueberry picking season down here in NC. Love your blog!
Tracy says
Beautiful kids!
Giveaway Blogs says
Thanks, Tabitha for posting your giveaways on my linky today!
Love the picture of your kiddos!
One Stop Giveaway Shop
AForestFrolic says
Okay, honestly…that might be the sweetest picture EVER! He looks like a lil’ old man, hahah.
Jamie 🙂
Amanda says
That is an adorable photo! I am ready too. I love all the seasons, and I am not the type to complain about heat or snow, but Fall is my most favorite season of all! Thanks for hosting a giveaway. Cannot wait to find out what it is 🙂
Marina@EBMR says
What a beautiful pic of both your precious gifts
Skye says
Love love LOVE IT!! hehe blueberries are my little treasures FAV and also her fav thing to do.. and this would have to be one of my fav snaps just fabulous!! =) Skye
Crystal Rae says
I love that picture. Your kids are so cute. And I’m related to them…:) And a giveaway… oh yeah baby.
Melissa says
Happy Friday to you too! Adorable photo of your little loves! 🙂
Organic Girl says
What a beautiful blog, I wish I knew more about photography. I am a new follower!! Happy Friday Follow Organic Girl andTodays Diva
Marka says
Beautiful photograph!
PS – no need to enter me in the drawing.
Janine says
Hi, Love your blog been following for a few months the pics you take are lovely..Janine (from Autralia)
mommara says
I love that picture. Why can I not have a blueberry bush in the back yard!
ItRocks2BMom says
Typing mad b4 the laptop battery dies, lol. Another pic for a frame 🙂 Oh, and since I know you always have the best prizes..pick me, pick me 🙂
Talk to you soon!
Corey~living and loving says
DUDE! that pic is amazing… rock the party as usual.
meeyeehere says
Ooh,I love surprises!! Nifty! Please come by my blog and enter my giveaway too! Have a wonderful weekend
[email protected]