The cool evenings on the water may not be the fire-under-the-rear inducing moments I’ve been experiencing as of late, but the gentle sweep of red velvet to gentle blue hues are just as swoon worthy.
For more Wordless/Wordful Wednesday, visit Wordless Wednesday, Supermom, Better in Bulk, Seven Clown Circus, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Momsense and 5 Minutes for Mom.
Adrienne says
What a magnificent photo!
Carol says
So tranquil. Wish I was there.
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
And this is why I live in Florida!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
And this is why I live in Florida!
Karima says
Hi popping by via Wordful wednesday, now google and facebook following, please pop by, Karima
Light Trigger says
gorgeous shot! i like the lights in the water…
via Wordless Wednesday by Faith
via Project Alicia
Light Trigger
Prasti says
makes me want to jump in! it looks so refreshing, especially since it’s in the 90s today.
angie says
Beautiful photo!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
so pretty! Looks like our recent trip to the beach! (except that they’re a couple thousand miles apart). 🙂