Nestled snug in our room as the chill of the air breaks on our windows. There’s nothing like a good book and a good cuddle to make the restless night feel like an eternity away. Of course, indulging in some our our favorite fall candy doesn’t hurt either.

It seems to always put a smile on our faces.

As the brisk in the air turns to bite. And the gently falling leaf turns to a flake of snow flurrying through the sky, the blanket of white becomes a great contrast to the colors of fall we just recently noticed. I’m beginning to see more and more signs of winters song echoing in the distance. It’s coming closer. Winter is near with some wonderful sights herself!

Mc Allen says
Wow, thats really wonderfully put!!! I love winter, we will soon have the fresh smell of pine in our home, the thought really excites me. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!! Baby blue is just sooooo precious!! 😉 LA
Just The Girl says
Great pictures, hope she is feeling better.
~Trish~ says
So very sweet 🙂
Blissful Babe says
So eloquently put, as always!
I love the footie pj feets. 🙂
Live.Love.Eat says
She’s too sweet. So happy looking. Still loving Fall right now and being outside with just a long sleeve.
jennykate77 says
Beautiful post, as usual! 🙂 We’re even noticing the change…not so many leaves on the trees, most of them turning to brown…and there is definitely a criper chill in the air!
Hope you’re having a great Monday!
antoinette marie says
yeah, i’m with ya….i loved getting pelted with little balls of hail today, it rocked! lol
Kelly says
Yes…so true! Winter is-a-knocking!
We had large snow flakes this weekend and it stuck a little! Goodbye fall…hello Mr.Winter!
Felicia Eis says
Because only four people entered my contest I decided to give all four of you a set of my cards!!!!! 🙂
Please email me with the four designs that you would like!
FatGirlsSkinny says
I hope baby blue is feeling better 😀
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Your posts always seem to make me feel calm : )
Tiffany T says
I can almost FEEL the cold from your beautiful pictures. Quite a feat since the last few days we’ve seen 80 degree weather. It is during times like these that I miss actual seasons. Bundle close and give lots of Eskimo kisses to keep warm.
Briony says
looks like a perfect day!
Jenny in Utah says
love her little footed pj’s – they look so cuddly!
and candy corns are a wonderful little fall candy – wish I could only leave it to a small handful when I see them!
Grace says
i’ll tell ya what puts a smile on my face…candy corn. every time. 🙂
gingela5 says
So cute! Your entries always make me feel all warm and cozy! 🙂
mommaof4wife2r says
we got some icky snow last night…but not enough to stay on the ground this morn. i am not a fan…but i do love ur pics!
SuZ says
Beautiful photos… as always!
traci says
i love your photos – so beautiful. they make me happy.
Corey~living and loving says
I so love your style of writing, and photography. thank you for the inspiration.
Rhea says
Beautiful photos and color scheme. Really nice!
Prasti says
though not a personal fan of cold weather, you make it sound so inviting 🙂