On Wednesday, my littlest little turned four months old. And my heart melted all over again, floundering over on top of itself and then forming a nice impervious shell around it’s gushing insides. Not unlike a chocolate covered cherry. With my family and our new little love being right at the center.
I can’t imagine life without him. Can’t remember life before him. Like now, things are the way they are supposed to be. Life is RIGHT.
I felt that way when my daughter made her grand entrance into our lives, and I’m still amazed that with the ever growing love I have for her, I still have room for more. A whole new chamber opened itself up to let love go frolicking through it.
He makes each day so much more exciting and enjoyable with his wide eyed smiles, coos and giggles. I’m always exhilarated by the idea that tomorrow brings with it more hours to savor. His zest for life is contagious, even at four months.
And it’s one attribute I don’t mind catching.
And with that you can see our little talker right HERE.
blueviolet says
Four months already? Holy shnikeys! He is scrumptious!!!
Melissa :) says
Thank you for stopping by my blog! It’s very nice to meet you. 🙂 You have a cutie here!! And I see you do photography? I love photography. Can’t wait to dig in deeper! 🙂
Melissa :) says
Thank you for stopping by my blog! It’s very nice to meet you. 🙂 You have a cutie here!! And I see you do photography? I love photography. Can’t wait to dig in deeper! 🙂
Corey~living and loving says
What a blessing that sweet baby boy is. ♥
Victoria. {TheYummyMummySecrets} says
AWWH he is soo cute. Everytime I see these I get so clucky.
ThisMamaRAZZI says
Brayden is soooo healthy!!! Look at him and his gorgeous little rolls!!!!
Kelly says
SUCH a Q T !!!!!
Whimsical Creations says
He is just adorable! I can’t believe it has been 4mths already.
Crystal Rae says
He’s getting so big. I wish they didn’t grow up SOOO FAST!
jayayceeblog says
I love that you’re taking his picture each month in the same chair with the same giraffe pillow to show how he’s growing. That will make such a cute collage or scrapbook page for his first birthday! What a sweetie pie!!!
Tooj says
I love how they get more and more life in their little faces with each passing day, week, month. 🙂 He’s so cute – just imagine how much LIFE you’ll be capturing at one year!
☼¨`*•.♥Rocío♥.•*¨`☼ says
MommyNamedApril says
wow! he looks so much like your husband! 🙂
Tammie Lee says
oh my goodness, your little boy is growing up, 4 months old. I am so happy for your family. So beautiful.
Life with Kaishon says
He is so completely precious. I totally have a thing for babies! I love them so much!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
awww… happy four month birthday big guy! Isn’t it amazing how quickly they grow? Just last week Henry rolled over for the first time and now he’s suddenly on his stomach every morning when we come in his room (which still freaks me out a big, I have to admit).
Your little boy is beautiful!!
Gerri says
Love, love, love!