As a military spouse, Veteran’s Day is a special one in our house. It doesn’t generally get a big to-do outside the home besides a bunch of weekend sales or Facebook memes that help remind us of the people who have or who are defending our country. Sometimes I’m a little irritated by the perfunctory “Happy Veteran’s Day” flags all over Facebook, but then I remember that it doesn’t matter how people are reminded of their heroes, but only that they are reminded.
For me, I’m reminded of my veteran every day. I know his likes, dislikes, and laundry preferences. But even I don’t remember to thank him for defending our country on a regular basis. I need the reminder, too. The reminder that he’s away for a reason. The reminder that his job is bigger than our little house. The reminder that we are not alone. And especially the reminder of the many other heroes that came before my hero.
I wanted to share a version of Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech that my husband rewrote for his cutter on one of their patrols. It’s written for Cuttermen in particular, but almost any military job could be placed into the poem. And it makes me cry every time.
Who can you thank for your freedom?
Photo Credit to Briony Skerjance
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