Photo taken by big sister (Aliyah, age 4).
Sometimes you look through photos and feel yourself drawn right back into the moment. The sounds whispering through the open window of a couple of birds playing a game of chase and the random car or two driving down the street, while the soft rain-soaked air filters it’s way through the screen. The large, stuffed giraffe laying on the floor, a fallen victim to Brayden’s boyish antics. The way his big round oceans look up at me as he says, “UUUUp, UUUUp,” a clear indication that he’s ready to be held. The way my big girl keeps striving to be just that… a big girl that can handle mommy’s big camera like a pro. And of course any suggestion to be careful with it is heeded with a sigh, a sigh telling me that she knows. And after each few shutter clicks, she runs over to show me, waiting for the proud mama smile to cross my face and I don’t disappoint.
I look at this photo and I remember, I feel, it all. Just us… in the moment.
What photos have you viewed lately that transport you right back to that place in time? Do share.
allenaim photography and design says
You guys are TOO CUTE
Jessica says
Ha! Some of us in our 30’s strive to take a shot like that 🙂 I think we should all teach our kids to take more pics so us mama’s are in a few! I’m just amazed she can even hold it up & steady for a pic with ur new heavy one 🙂
Aleta says
Great picture! There’s so much joy in the smiles 🙂
That looks like a comfy fluffy chair cover!
And love that she got the painted toes in the picture too 🙂
Scott says
Nice moment that was captured.
Love the blog title at the top. Very very cool. How did you do that?
Pam says
Awesome shot….I have viewed pics of my son as a baby and I am taken back. He will be 24 in July but is getting married a week from tomorrow. By baby is grown and has made a life for himself…..Pics are awesome to have, and to share. Thanks for sharing yours.
Crystal Rae says
wow, Aliyah is the little photographer../
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says
This is such a sweet post. What a blessing to look back on this picture and remember how special it was. She really did a good job using your camera!!
Barbara Manatee says
Love those moments you can recall so clearly!
Stopping by from PSF.
Nessa says
Love this so much… and your new header.
Life with Kaishon says
I love pictures like that. They are my favorite : )
I love your shooter. She is so great : )
Right down to her sigh!
Gerri says
That’s why I love photos SO much, they just take me back to those moments…:)
Faith says
SO sweet- love the processing and the moment you’ve captured here.
Light Trigger says
Sweet moment. Love the perspective and colours…
ms.ukraine says
Jessica @FoundtheMarbles says
That is so sweet. The expression on your faces is priceless.
Clayton Thomas says
Great picture! I have one where my eldest and I are caught from behind holding hands on a beach facing the ocean. It’s in a frame that says Best Buddies. It’s one of my favorites.
twitter: @claylauren2001