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Be warned. This post is just kids in a Movie Theater. I mentioned it was coming, and here it is. Just kids is a theater.
Why is it that kids can’t seem to sit still in their seats and chew? It was constant wiggling.
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Have not yet braved the theatre with Merrick….
looks like fun though!What did you see??
Dr. Wifey says
they are too cute! i love her little red fingernails 🙂
The Panic Room says
really great low light work. I need to some take a class from you.
Christina Lee says
that is sooooo cute!! yes popcorn and candy is essential!!! i think they need booster seats too-the chair always folds in on my little guy (the squirming doesnt help that either)
Tiffany T says
Gorgeous pictures! I love the position the kids are in while “sitting” in their seats. Wiggle-worms indeed!
My favorite, though, is the one you captured of your daughter leaning on the wall. I practically feel her wishing to stay. Remarkable.
[email protected] says
these are precious….i really love the ones of the little guy shoving popcorn in his mouth and the shot of aliyah’s little, partially painted red fingernails…so sweet! blessings…
Prasti says
i don’t know how you did it…i don’t know that i could take emma to a movie theatre just yet.
oh and movie theatre popcorn…i love the butter dispenser there. i wish i had one @ home to dispense melted butter.
Corey~living and loving says
you got some really fabulous shots. 🙂 I feels like I was there. but I’m not sticky, and my nerves are in tact. tee hee
what program do you use to make your collages?
lizcooper says
I haven’t taken our daughter to a movie theater yet, but I have a couple of questions for you (so I can plan my future visit to our local theater). How did you manage to inconspicuously take pictures IN a movie theater? How many looks did you get from people thinking you were crazy? How did you actually manage the children, the food, AND the camera all at once?
Live.Love.Eat says
I LOVE going to the movies with my hubs and son. Just so much fun!!!!!! says
I have looked at a lot of blogs today – trust me – A LOT – and these have to be the best pictures I have seen all day!
Thanks so much and I will be back!
thezeninyou says
Oh boy! Your photos are AMAZING!! I agree Holly…and I have seen a lot of photos today too! Thanks for stopping by. Just gave you my Stumble thumbs up and added you to my Google reader. No pressure… 😉
[email protected] says
Fun 🙂 I know how she feels 🙂
Karin says
Awww, these are so cool! You captured the outing to well, I can almost smell the popcorn! And I know I’ve said it a few times before, but that daughter of yours is just the cutest little thing around (0:
Queenie Jeannie says
So sweet! My daughter only just recently has been able to see movies. We tried earlier and she wouldn’t behave well enough. Now with a Kid Pack (small soda, popcorn and candy) she is good the whole time!! She really loves the 3D ones!!!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
She looks like a little model while leaning against the wall. What a cutie!
Ryan Ashley Scott says
How does one go about making wiggling children in a theater look fabulous? Just curious… it’s dark in there.
MoziEsmé says
Terrific photos – very cute!
Gerri says
Oh, I so want some popcorn now….Love the B&W of them. 😉
Jaina says
You have the best photo progression layouts and stories. Sounds like a neat activity!
Brittany says
I just love your aesthetic style!
Your images are so dynamic. 🙂
Tooj says
Okay, we need to get one year pics of our Wee One….can you fly out for a fee of fifty bucks and some cotton candy? 🙂 I just love your pictures.