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I love this kid’s style. She’s definitely got one, all of her own.
It used to be that I’d pick out an outfit and have it nicely laid out, so that when I was in a panic stricken moment of “Wait, how many wipes are in the diaper bag?! Let me look at the cute little colored checklist that I have printed and in a matching pink travel tag, attached to the diaper bag, and see if we’ve got everything. Oh, ok, we’re all set,” Chris can get the baby dressed. (Yes, first-time mom.)
This worked well for us.
Now, the kid’s style is beginning to emerge and while I’m getting her outfit ready I hear, “No, mommy, this not match this. Here, this match this. I not wanna wear those boots, I want to wear my pink boots. Not jeans, can I wear my new tights?”
I remind you, she’s two.
So, with my slight guidence, she now gets her own outfits ready. I have to say that whether or not I’d choose the outfit, they do match.
Who am I to judge if while at home watching Shrek for the 109,325,000th time she decides to wear her new hat.
I like wearing new things too.
[email protected] says
Love her style! She’s so cute 🙂
Jaden Paige says
She is too cute! And what strong opinions, eh? I’m sure we’re headed in that direction, too…
Her new hat is VERY stylista. You have a tres chic two year old on your hands 😀
Momma says
She is so friggin cute! I look forward to this when my baby girl gets older. Having two boys who dont care if they wear the same outfit 7 days in a row and always choose clothes that completely clash, I am keeping my fingers crossed that baby girl is stylin’
Melinda says
She has great style.
mommaof4wife2r says
that hat makes me smile…and her cin dimple is toooo cute!
robin says
Oh my goodness. A budding fashionista!
Michelle says
It starts young and it doesn’t ever change! 🙂 She is adorable by the way.
Corey~living and loving says
oooo oooo ooo…too cute! I love that she knows what matches.
Sugar couldn’t care less what she wears. LOL I think I like that so far…we’ll see later. LOL
Have a great day!
Blissful Babe says
I have gleaned so much fashion sense from your beautiful Baby Blue. Especially with the painted nails and the fabulous hat! Seriously, she dresses better than I do.
So freaking cute I can not stand it!!!
jennykate77 says
Her style is ROCKIN’! I love the hat! I have one a lot like that☺ I haven’t put mine on while watching Shrek for the umptienth time, but I might have to give it a try!☺ Great pics!
Hope you have a marvelous Monday!
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Whoa-wish I was that organized!
I don’t even have a diaper bag half the time!
Izzy 'N Emmy says
So cute! She has such great features and the hat is awesome!
mydogumentary says
She is SOOO cute! And that hat only enhances her cuteness!
Briony says
i soo love the hat…i want one! i need to get my hair relaxed before i can pull something like that off though, otherwise it would be hello fro 🙂
Kelly says
i wonder where she gets her sense of such style? hmmmmmmm…
learning by example!
love the hat!
Ashley says
So cute! I’m loving the pink fingernails with the fuzzy hat! She’s definitely got style!
Mc Allen says
you love her style, I love her cheeks!!! she is so stinkin adorable I cant stand it!! can you please post pic’s of you pinchin her cheeks, pllllllleeeze? ( then title it pinchin her cheeks so we’ll know , lol!! 😉 what a precious big girl! ♥LA
Nerdy Jess says
Oh my goodness, I’m going to burst from the cuteness. I love it.
bfs ~ "Mimi" says
Oh, what good taste she has! No better place to wear your cute new hat than in the comforts of your own home! So precious!! Enjoy these days!!
antoinette marie says
she was soooo adorable at church yesterday with that hat on….she was sooo proud of it and how it “matched her aunt crystal’s hat”…way to encourage her individuality fresh mama! blessings…
Jamie says
Hehe, it only gets better 😉 Cute hat…she’s very stylish!
tara @ kidz says
I can’t think of another word for FABULOUS. So I guess that’s what it is – absolutely fab!
well she’s definitely a girl! how cute!
Prasti says
awww…she’s so cute in that hat! growing up already 🙂
we almost got emma a similar hat (since she was walking around the store w/ it on), but didn’t end up doing so.
Coffee with Cathy says
Precious! And you are so wise to encourage and gently guide her. Good for you.
Gerri says
Yes, she is stylish-just like her Mom. Oh, and I would add a couple more things to the list now that you are potty training. An second extra pair of clothes… and shoes! 🙂
traci says
what a doll. love the hat. she definately has style going on.
CrYsTAL says
I LOVE the new hat, it’s so her. LOL. Plus it’s just like Cryyystals
Jaina says
What a cutie!