It’s not easy to take those first steps AWAY from your baby, but every mom needs that time away to refresh and recharge. I’m sharing a couple of tips for preparing baby for time away from you and to make that transition easier on both of you in this post sponsored by Philips Avent!
My parents are coming back into town this week… and along with celebrating Christmas with family, my mommy heart is looking forward to a date night. While my children are literally the highlight of my day, I also look forward to (and need) those bits of time of adult conversation, eating a warm meal and just in general being able to focus on one thing at a time (instead of trying to listen to/focus on four little ones at once).
I always feel like I’m straddling a line of two very different opinions here… and for some reason I feel the need to choose my words carefully. I love my children and wouldn’t want life any other way than filled with their spirits and laughter, and yet, there are days in every mama’s life that we feel the weight of their bickering, laundry, crumbs (see my latest Instagram post!) and constant need to eat (are my kids the only ones?). Having a baby in the picture is no different, and I hear from mamas with babes all the time who haven’t time to themselves or a few moments away in months. It’s easy to do; easy to let time slide and before you know it, it has been months… but it’s also important to get those minutes to yourself to recharge and refresh. Yes, my choice du jour is a date night, but even getting a shower and a nap, or going out for a pedicure or a massage all sound like little bits of heaven in the midst of a bustling household.
Like all things in life, we feel better and more confident when prepared, right? The same goes for those time of leaving your baby in the care of others. It will happen eventually, but the more prepped you and your little one are, the easier the transition will be on you both! For some, this happens when you step back into the work field and for others it’s setting yourself up for a time of respite… and it’s definitely easier when you’ve made yourself ready for it.
Table of Contents
Start Early.
And I don’t mean to start early in the morning, although with babies, that’s always a possibility!
Getting used to a change or even building a habit around around something comes easier when started early. With all my babies, I’ve breastfed them… BUT I’ve also introduced them to the bottle early on as well. I wanted them to be able to take both, transition easily from one to the other and be able to be fed by others when I was working or needed a little break. It has worked out SO well for every single one of them! We’ve definitely made our way through different bottles, and with some I’ve found that it’s left them gassy. While important for them to take to a bottle, it’s also important to find one that helps them stay comfortable during and after their feeding. We recently started using a Philips Avent Anti-colic Bottle because it’s designed to actually vent air away from baby’s tummy to help reduce gas, spit-up and burping and overall giving them a more comfortable experience. Plus, with a built-in venting system, the bottle has fewer parts which means easier cleaning… Only four total: bottle, cap, nipple and ring which holds the nipple in place.
With Aliyah, my first born, we went through a couple of months of colic, and it’s no joking matter. I’ve been happy with the change to the Anti-colic Bottle, because any way that I can help to provide a more comfortable feeding experience while helping to avoid colic is a huge win in my book, and easier cleaning is the icing on the cake for me.
Do It While They’re Young.
Another place to start early in preparing baby for time away from you, is leaving them for short periods of time in the care of someone else… maybe it’s with dad or grandma. Whoever it is, let them help take care of baby while you run out for coffee or a quick trip to the grocery store (alone, yay!). This just helps your little one adjust to the fact that they’re okay with someone else and mama will come back.
Make Them Comfortable.
Of course, making sure they stay fed is a HUGE part in keeping baby comfortable, so nursing or feeding them before you go, and making sure they have milk ready in the Anti-colic Bottle is a big help. But you don’t want to forget their other comforts… a favorite toy and/or blanket, clean diaper and comfortable clothing are all contributors to a comforted baby. Once they have their own needs and comforts met, they can enjoy the new world around them, whether that be a new person taking care of them or a different environment than they’re used to.
We’ve also been using the Philips Avent Natural Trainer Cup to help when we’re ready to start moving Aria off the bottle and towards sippy cups. It helps them to have something familiar as we transition.
You can see more about our tips in our newest YouTube video below… and I’d be ecstatic if you check out our YouTube channel too! And join the conversation! What tips do you have for getting a few moments of mommy-time in your life or preparing baby for time away? Tell us about it in the comments!
Actress and new mom Sarah Chalke has partnered with the brand to share her experience with the Anti-colic bottle as well.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Philips Avent. All images, text and opinions are my own.
Sapana V says
Yeah, I agree, we have to prepare our babies for the time away from us and it is much more necessary for working moms. I must say helpful guide.
Name (required)candy says
When we go out to visit my daughter we always make sure they get at least couple of date nights. First as grandparents they feel comfortable leaving the kids with us. We just ask to give us a few days to get use to their routine and then off they go. They have a great time and we have a great time with the grandkids.
Name (requiAshleyred) says
The first time I left my Son, I was so scared and nervous. I’m finally starting to feel more comfortable and actually enjoy my time away!
Amy Smith says
Really great tips and ideas. Thanks.
Shela Yount | I Answer to Mom says
I loved this post! But I am SUCH an attachment parenting type of person! It is SO hard for me to leave my kids! My son was 9 months old before I left him for a couple hours with a close friend so my husband and I could go out for his birthday.. He was crying for me when I got back, so I felt so guilty!
I know i need to work on this area of my parenting though! <3
Tabitha Blue says
I hear you mama… it’s not easy!!! But I will say, it’s easier for both them and for you if you start earlier rather than later. I don’t leave my littles very often, but I needed to for work at times, and this SO helped with the anxiety for us both!! Taking those short little times once in awhile was hard at first (and not often) but ended up refreshing me and we’d both be overjoyed at seeing each other again! 🙂
tineke - workingmommyabroad says
Great tips and couldn´t agree more with you on starting early. I breastfed too but sometimes really needed a little break (he was eating constantly!!) so we started with bottles as well for the moments i wasn´t there
Julie S McCullough says
Wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing.
Kate says
These are great tips! I know it was so hard for me to start leaving my son (and still is sometimes). Making him comfortable before leaving was helpful for him, but also very helpful for me!
Lauren | also known as mama says
What great tips! I have a 9 month old who is so attached to me. I know that I would’ve started leaving her when she was younger, it wouldn’t be so bad. My now 3 year old never had this issue with me leaving! Crazy how different each child is.
Krysten says
I haven’t ever left the little man for any significant period of time, but I have a feeling that this year I will have some time away from him. I’m going to save these tips!
Jacqueline|Mama's Munchkins says
I agree 100%! Yes we love our kids. But YES we love our ‘mommy time’ to! When my babies are young, I’ll only leave them with Grandma, and as they begin to get older they first stay with an older babysitter until they become closer to a year old. Ha now my kids ask a few times a week when ‘Ricki'(my babysitter) is coming again, They all love it when the babysitters come over
Meredith says
I love this list! And, totally agree with you. Moms need a recharge too! Yes- being a mom is my top priority, but we are still women that need to get out once in a while.
Name (required)Morgan says
Great tips! And LOVE those bottles 🙂
val says
Good tips! I always BF as well but have my husband give a bottle early and often to make sure they’re used to it.
Shay says
Great ideas! Leaving babe can be so hard but there are ways, like the tips you mentioned, that can make it so much easier!
Vicki @ Babies to Bookworms says
Great tips. It was so hard for me to leave my daughter for an errand the first time my mom watch. It was weird just being in the car alone! It got a little easier every time I had to run out. These pictures are adorable by the way!
Lauren says
Yes, I had to do this before I went to work with my kids.. great tips!
Melissa says
So much great advice here! We are big fans of Philips Avent too!
Tabitha Shakespeare says
I loved this post! I wish that I would have worked harder to get my little one to take a bottle when she was younger so that I could have had some time to myself! Great tips!