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A couple of nights ago, while getting my daughter into her bed, she…
didn’t really like it.
I know, it’s a surprise, right?
She tried all the excuses, but we stood our ground and kissed her goodnight. On nights when she goes to bed on time, it seems that she goes to bed very well. On nights where she’s worn out and up later, those seem to be the nights with a little more, shall I say, trouble.
After about ten minutes, we heard a pitter-patter down the hall, and slowly our door began to open. Aliyah stepped just inside our room and with a shy smile, announced, “I’ve changed my attitude. Love you, goodnight.”
With that, she was gone and back into bed.
We both looked at each other, astonished, and proud. Sometimes our three-year-old leaves us speechless.
Live.Love.Eat says
OMG. And now I am speechless. That’s just precious my friend. And that pic? Wow. Makes me miss my boy very badly today. He stayed over his grandparents last night….
Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out says
Dr. Wifey says
LOL she is just precious!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
What a cutie….I love when my kids say things like that to me π
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
What a cutie….I love when my kids say things like that to me π
Ashlee@fatmomblog says
She is so grown up for her age! Good for you guys for raising such a great kid.
Mama Zen says
That is so precious!
Jillien says
She is so mature for her age. I could never imagine my 3 year old saying something like that lol
Crystal Rae says
That’s awesome. She’s so smart. She definitely seems older than 3 to me sometimes. LOL See you later tonight!
Tabitha@ichoosebliss says
She is sooo intelligent! And a cutie to boot!
Tooj says
LOL The things that come out of them….they’ll continue to leave you speechless. Have fun!
Jen says
Wow. I am speechless just reading that. This must mean she has awesome parents.
jennykate77 says
Ohmygosh. That is the cutest thing EVER!!! Love thatβ₯
antoinette marie says
that’s not only completely adorable but speaks volumes to the parenting you two are doing….what great values you’re instilling into her! blessings…
Corey~living and loving says
tee hee….THAT is plain adorable. π
Maggie says
Awwwe! That sure makes you want to bless her more for having that change of heart… I am sure God has the same heart towards us when we change our attitude too!
Marka says
That great! I find it amazing how a young child can make a person several times their age speechless with the wisdom and insight of a child. And yours is a wonderful example of that. Cheers!
Yaya says
That is so sweet!!!
Whimsical Creations says
OMG! Just speechless! That is precious.
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Prasti says
bless her heart! how precious is that?
Jaina says
Wow. That leaves me speechless too!
Life with Kaishon says
Isn’t that the best? Mine hasn’t been doing many things like that lately, but when he was younger and did, it just always made my heart fill up with thankfulness : ) She is a beauty! Because she has a pretty heart!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
That’s so funny – kids are great, aren’t they?