Welcome to Sunday Citar! A place where we can all share a piece of inspiration through quotes. Join in and link up with me. Here we go!
“Discovering this idyllic place, we find ourselves filled with a yearning to linger here, where time stands still and beauty overwhelms.”
We recently spent an evening letting our fingers linger over already-been-picked blueberry bushes ’till we would find just right, perfectly ripe little fruits and add ’em to our basket.
This idyllic place where we enjoyed watching big sister find her own way and hear her exclaim from behind the tall bushes that “I found a big one, mama!’… while just as many berries were finding their way into her mouth as they were into her basket, I’m sure.
We enjoyed watching little brother explore new textures and colors as he fingered tall grass blades and succulent blueberries abounding in the woven basket beside him… all while showing off his newfound sitting-up skills.
Well hello there little sitting-up rockstar.
I relish these moments of wonder and amazement, of exploration and learning. Of understanding the beauty of life and growth and showing my children where our food comes from… so much more than just a big-box store. I relish seeing the world through the bright round eyes of my little sprites.
I breathe in these moments like a drug… as time stands still and the beauty of this life and the joy of being totally in love with my littles overwhelms me.
And though I love my kids a million times over and would never ask for anything in return, when they answer my waterfall of love with even a trickle in response, it melts me to the core. And they give so much more than that.
Just for good measure we hopped around from the blueberry bushes to ones ripe with raspberries to dancing through the vines of grapes. And it was good.
And from there we hippety-hopped ourselves over to the old country store were we didn’t dare leave without gathering up a much-needed supply of donuts and apple cider. And it was very, very good.
And though I don’t consider there to be much that is more delicious than fresh-baked, still-warm sweet dough covered in cinnamon and sugar, and from-the-orchard apple cider, I don’t think I could survive without my fill of these little delicacies.
Brayden has been rocking out some major pilates moves. This leg lifted up and down for about 20 reps, way to work it out baby.
And so today, I will remember to linger here, this place where time stands still and beauty overwhelms.
Briony says
such a perfect day with your little ones! i can’t wait to taste the blueberry jam, it’s my fave of all the ones you make 🙂
Ashlee says
I normally don’t like blueberries, but this year they are so sweet!
Love Brayden’s hat! your babies are just beautiful.
Muthering Heights says
GORGEOUS photos, as always!
I adore your son’s jeans and his little hat…SO CUTE!!!!
Veronica Lee says
Such awesome pics! I love, love, love them.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Lucy says
You make me yearn for summer and “pick your own” outings again…
Kakka says
As usual, beautiful photos of your gorgeous children. What great memories you are creating and it is so nice to find an idyllic place to do it. xxx
Alysha (Supermom) says
I know you probably hear this all the time and you probably know it … but your kids are just too stinkin cute! AND you take the most beautiful pictures. The colors are just beautiful!!!
Happy Sunday!
sema says
Hi Tabitha,
Your kids look so adorable and your photos are amazing.
The mr.linky widget is not visible to add my quotes for this week.You can see my post here:
Oprah Quotes
adriel, from the mommyhood memos says
omg, i LOVE this post *and* your photography *and* your son’s outfit! ahhh, if i could yell through a comment without being annoying and writing in *all caps* i would. seriously, those little jeans, the white tank, the denim hat… i’m in love. {sigh} oh, and i’d like an identical set for my boy. 🙂
Sarah. Splish Splash Designs says
You have made me smile a hundred times! I love this post so so much. What a wonderful experience for you and your little ones.
And how clever of little Brayden. Already sitting up! Time flies 🙂
Here’s a link to my Sunday Citar this week
Happy Sunday xx
Whimsical Creations says
What a special day. Gorgeous shots! You have such a beautiful family.
Amanda says
Love the photos and your quote (and your dress!) Beautiful post, thank you for sharing!
lizcooper says
What perfection! We don’t really have places here to pick blueberries or the like…only strawberries. Such a wonderful treat! And I love that you put Big Girl in white. The white with all the green is beautiful! I hope no blueberries made it to her clothes!
Mama Zen says
These pictures are absolutely perfect!
Serendipity is Sweet says
Hi there
It’s my first time here. I found you through Of Mice and Ramen. What a beautiful post! Your photos are amazing!!! I miss blueberry picking in MI. My family always vacationed there in summers at a cottage on the lake. We took our kids last summer for the first time, but couldn’t swing it this summer. It’s my favorite place on earth. I have such wonderful memories there, and blueberry picking…and eating is one of the best!
LOVE your blog. Well done!!! And your family is precious. Way to go Mama 🙂
Sherri says
those are awesome pictures
Life with Kaishon says
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. What a wonderful day! I often think (in my head 🙂 that people do not need to go to workshops to learn and take fabulous pictures, they need to go out into the village : ) or any other areas that seem interesting and shoot away. These pictures are so lovely. I love her shoe change! And the baby is looking cuter and cuter. I totally appreciate a little chub! Pure sweetness Tabitha.
Emily says
Beautiful pictures. Looks like one of those days that will be in your memories forever!
blueviolet says
Those are absolutely incredible!
Hannah says
The pictures are gorgeous! It looks like you guys had a wonderful time!
Jen says
these pictures are beautiful, love his cute hat!
Natalie says
Love the photos of the little boy with those dark wash jeans!! Looks classic and modern and crisp all at the same time 🙂 awesome shots
Crystal Rae says
I went strawberry picking once, i should go for raspberries and blueberries sometime. These are awesome pictures. I love brayden’s outfit. IT’s so CUTE!
A Southern Accent says
Beautiful pictures! And you are beautiful too! I wished I looked that good picking berries!
Gerri says
Great shots! I love blueberries….:)