“Anywhere is walking distance, if you’ve got the time.”
~Stephen Wright
“He who never walks except where he sees other men’s tracks will make no discoveries.”
“I love your blog! how do you get your pictures so big! Love it!”
Posted MARCH 28, 2009 8:38 AM
“oooo ooooo oooooo pick me. sounds right up my alley. :)”
Posted MARCH 27, 2009 10:58 PM
“Where do I begin? I read your blog almost everyday, and love all the great tips & recipes you include. Baby Blue is so super-cute!”
Posted MARCH 27, 2009 8:54 AM
Brian Chen says
Such a lovely photo, I can really feel the warmth from this photo.
Jenny in Utah says
This photo is so lovely, I liked the thoughts, too!! We’re heading out on a vacation… I’ll keep these words in mind!
The light and beauty of the simplicity in life shine through this photograph straight to my heart and soul.
There is indeed a beautiful world surrounding our selfish actions and thoughtless deeds. Sometimes we need to switch off from the frenetic pace of life and lay in the tall grass, count the stars, watch a sunrise and sunset with the one we love. It’s a matter of taking the time and stopping the excuse.
Beautifully presented
CraigM says
What gorgeous golden tones that bring a smile, make me think of warm summer days and long walks. Very nicely done 🙂
Kelly says
I just found you, I love your blog. I am going to keep reading. Steven Wright is a favorite of mine!
Tooj says
I love that anon quote, very nice. Happy Sunday.
Paco says
muy buena… es un rfelejo del proximo verano.
[email protected] says
beautiful photo 🙂 congrats to the winners 🙂
Karin says
Absolutely stunning shot – perfect in every way!
[email protected] says
i’m guessing this was from your trip cause bri had a similar plant on her blog….serene! p.s. lovin the cutie patootie new header with baby blue! love ya! blessings…
Nerdy Jess says
Love that photo!
Happy Anniversary week btw!
Corey~living and loving says
This post speaks to me on all levels.
The photo is simply amazing.
Snarky A. says
I love this photo. It glows. Absolutely beautiful! 🙂
♥ bfs~"Mimi" ♥ says
That is a great shot! We took photos today on our walk — but our poor little camera cannot tolerate closeness, if ya know what I mean.
Whitney says
That’s such a lovely shot. You really have a way with a camera, Tab!
so pretty and professional!!! love it!
also, congrats to the winners!
3 Bay B Chicks says
Such wonderful quotes and photo. They make a powerful combination.
Live.Love.Eat says
That’s so funny, I believe I won the same thing but on my other friend’s blog. Hah!
Gerri says
So true. Sometimes we can get so busy that we miss the beauty. Thanks for the reminder to slow down. To look, listen, and discover. 😉
Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com says
Congratulations to the winners, but also: OH MY GOODNESS, this shot is amazing!
Jaina says
Congrats to the winners! Lovely photo and quotes 🙂