It was perfect.
And now it’s Sunday again and that means it’s time for two of my favorite things… announcing a giveaway winner and Sunday Citar!!
“Christmas – that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance – -a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.”
~Augusta E. Rundel
The house is comfortably disheveled and has settled into a quiet lull, save the background noise coming from the TV of this year’s marathon series Chris and I have been watching and a fire snapping and cracking behind us while a countertop of snacks and treats entices us from the kitchen.
Today we created memories and I’m soaking it all in.
Beginning the day with a girl completely aware and excited about every moment that was unfolding around her, whispering through a smile in the dark of our cozy room that it was time to open presents. Yet, before even looking at her gifts, nothing excited her more than handing me a present handpicked by her… from the gift itself to the wedding inspired wrapping paper of which I have to agree with her words, “It was so pretty.”
The morning continued with wrapping paper strewn about the floor after merry giving and receiving, and a breakfast made with the help of my sweet little elves… And progressed into a day of cuddling and movie watching, building fires and playing board games, tea parties and snacks and an afternoon trip to the movie theater.
And here is where my words fail me because they’d just cheapen the magic that was floating about.
And yes, she went through about five outfit changes today.
And then tonight, oh tonight, somebody just pinch me.
I laughed through tears as I sidled my girl next to me and we talked about our favorite parts of the day. After rattling off her list she concluded with a cheery and my other favorite is you scratching my back right now. And so I did, after she added it to her list of favorites, how could I not oblige… and laugh that contagious laugh where we both end up with sore cheeks?
When I just couldn’t laugh anymore, I hugged her tighter and breathed it all in. I whispered in the dark of her room that my favorites were all the right now moments with her, and how much I loved cuddling her and I new someday I would look back and wish I could be right here, right now in this moment. She looked back at me with those big hazel eyes and in her profound, four year old wisdom said, “What?”
Memories, baby.
Our Christmas card this year.
Commenter #3, Ashlee: “You know, I always feel like I’m not teaching Jude enough. I have even thought about maybe putting him in Preschool next year. I have been praying hard about it. I am still undecided. But until I do decide, I love online learning websites. We play “Games” (As Jude calls them) every day. He can count to 5, and knows a few letters. It’s a start.”
Merry Christmas… and contact [email protected] to claim your prize!
GabbyRM says
Oh, making memories. Love the shots from the up high view. Different perspective I don’t see very often.
Heidi says
Such lovely photos. And memories.
Whimsical Creations says
Beautiful memories!!
Ashlee says
I love it! And oh my gosh I won!!!! I am
Super stoked 😀
allenaim photography and design says
Those socks are rocking my socks off 🙂
Veronica Lee says
Such beautiful pics and memories!!
Merry Christmas, Tabitha!
Pretty Things says
What a gorgeous array of photos! Christmas with little guys is the BEST.
Grace says
Your a wise mother to appreciate each moment with your children. There will be more precious memories as they grow into adults but somehow these magic moments when they are children are everlasting.
my name is Mel says
girl, your blog rocks! your pictures are incredible and you inspire. i’m hoping to join the sunday citar. what a great idea! love this.