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Remember that awesome, old abandoned window we found and just had to get pictures in? Well, once we saw it, while driving, we had to figure out how to get to it. The best route we found was hiking through this.
We parked, and carefully creaked our way through, with branches and bricks crackling under foot.
Being the adventurers we are, it was one of the most fun stops of our day.
Sometimes you just have to go through the rough to reach the perfect destination.
Kelly says
isn’t that the truth! reminds me of my pregnancy…it was rough, but now it’s the perfect destination! i wouldn’t have had it any other way!
septembermom says
Those pictures could tell a story, probably. Wonderfully captured, Tabitha! I left you an award on my blog today:)
Briony says
this definitely was my favorite place! we will have to go back with some models 🙂 hahah
[email protected] says
Beautiful shots as always 🙂
Blissful Babe says
You make some of the most interesting things look totally amazing.
I *heart* you.
Corey~living and loving says
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corey~living and loving says
ooops….your comment box hyjacked christina’s so I had to delete. LOL
okay…so whose property was this???? I see some really cool places but I’d have to trespass….eeekkkkk….so I don’t. it sucks.
Christie says
I love the way you capture a scene. Your photos always tell a story, even a “rough” one. You are unbelievably talented!
Tooj says
Hiking through there sounds like an adventure. 🙂
Crystal Rae says
OKay, now im so mad i didn’t go this time… and now I’m missing chicago, but I had to choose between that and Cali in July, I chose Cali. LOL
Shannon says
Reading on. Question answered! lol
Caroline says
How cool is that! Isn’t nice to veer off the beaten path now and then?
CraigM says
Always a shame to see such decay but a great place for images!
Jaden Paige says
I totally would have stopped there, too. 🙂
Jaina says
You got some seriously great pictures there.
Izzy 'N Emmy says
A very awesome photo opportunity!
hellosweetworld says
I love places like these and especially capturing their essence on camera!
Gerri says
Wow-what an adventure. And, what these walls/buildings could say…