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A second was all it took to change everything: the rush of the car, the atmosphere inside, the one lonely tear that dripped down my cheek.
It started as normal a day as any busy day, the charge and hastiness of the morning, breakfast together as a family. A full day of work at the office, ‘school’ for my girl. And then ending just as normal as the day had begun, dinner, meetings, swim lessons.
A second was all it took for me to realize how sweet this precious time was with my daughter. A second was all it took for her to list off her age, and to count upward, quickly, through the coming years… showing me how quickly time really will pass us by. Before I know it, she’ll be 16 and driving herself to whatever lessons or places life will take her. In that moment I realized that time is too precious for me to think about what’s coming next, or what still needs to be crossed of my ‘list.’ This time, right now, in the car with my darling Baby Blue will only last but for a second.
Because, just this morning, she looked like this.
Tracy says
It’s so true. I can’t believe my little boy is already 20 weeks old. It seemed like just yesterday we were getting the nursery ready for him. It seems like just yesterday I delivered a tiny 5lb little boy. Each day brings a new experience that I adore… I can’t help but look at yesterday thought..
Jaina says
Aww, what a sentiment, I can imagine the feeling. Though it left me slightly unsettled, visions of car accidents or something…is everything okay?
Whimsical Creations says
How true!
Crystal Rae says
She needs to stop growing, I tell her that almost every time I see her. But she insists on getting bigger so she can hold her baby. loL.
robin says
Such a gorgeous shot! They grow up so fast, don’t they?
Prasti says
oh man, i was just thinking a/b that with emma earlier today. ian’t it just crazy how time moves so quickly? and here i am not always fully embracing every second of every moment…i almost cried when i looked at her today and wondering how she got to be so big…
Jerrie says
Oh. I hear ya…as I sit here waiting for a phone call from my 14 year old to pick him up from a football game I can so vividly remember rocking him to sleep as an infant. Hold tight to the time.
Corey~living and loving says
dude…dont’ do that….sniff…sniff….
Suki says
What a precious sweet baby girl. Time does pass too fast.
[email protected] says
So true :)I can’t believe mine is almost 5!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
That is so very, very true – it passes by so quickly, doesn’t it?