Our little family of four lives for the days where we’re a family of four… together. Days where morning creeps up on us before eyelids open or early stretch-fests begin. Where both littles end up sandwiched between mommy and daddy for one more cuddle and a few more quick snoozes before the day officially begins. Where we laugh in bed far past breakfast time and decide to head to Starbucks instead.
It’s then I realize, again. She’s so big, and much prefers having her own chai tea, than to share the delicious drink and only getting a little. And, to be honest, mama prefers it as well.
These are the kind of days that lead us to much needed family trips to the grocery store.
My girl quickly making her way through the aisles, scouting, ready to fill our bare cupboards with her favorites. She wants to be a big girl shopper and doesn’t quite take to sittin’ still for long. Once she finds her treasured cereal, she holds it in her clutches till the end, not wanting it to be left by the wayside, while other items are promptly dropped in the cart.
And though she still loves to be rewarded for her hard work with a quick penny ride on Sandy, she smiles as she says, “Mama, we should ride a real one. One where the LEGS MOVE.”
And when a message pops up on my phone as we leave the grocery store, inviting us to an impromptu play date at the park, we quickly oblige. Because we can. The four of us. Giddy and excited we head to the complex twists and turns of colored metal, a place we know all too well. A place where I can drink up the joy on my girl’s face, watching her duck in and out of large red tubes, climbing up and down the scapes, like it was something she was meant to do.
Our little family of four, isn’t quite so little any more. She growing up, my free spirit girl with a strong stream of independence rippling through her veins. And I can’t help but watch in amazement at this little life, this girl who taught me how to be a mama, trying to be one herself. She melts me to a puddle.
And this little one…
He’s got a whole other chamber of my heart all to his own.
We rolled around in the grass until he just couldn’t take anymore sunny summertime lovin’.
And he was promptly rocked to sleep, nestled snuggly in the crook of his daddy’s arms, one of his favorite places to be as of late.
All I can do is chant to myself, “TAKE IT ALL IN, DRINK IT ALL UP, the planned and the unplanned.” Because, before I know it, he’ll be the one riding penny rides and climbing the playthings.
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
Those pictures are amazing and you look gorgeous! Seriously, like a magazine shoot or something. 🙂
ItRocks2BMom says
How do you make such a simple event look so glamorous? Too bad my memory card was full so I didn’t bring mine 🙁 We’ll have to plan another impromptu (can you plan impromptu??) outing soon 🙂
Briony says
looks like a perfect Wednesday. she blows my mind…i love how brilliant she is and he melts me to a puddle as well. i just get enough of his chubby cheeks. i missed them both while i was gone…as well as you and chris of course 🙂
Briony says
that was meant to say “can’t get enough” oops haha sorry
Crystal Rae says
Awww it sounds like you all had a great day yesterday. I really want some starbucks now LOL. I just love seeing your pictures you take. They all tell a story! LERVE IT@
Marka says
Seems to me that qualifies as a perfect day.
Corey~living and loving says
I love these types of posts…..we think alike, you and me. I think we would be fast friends….cept….I’m a bit jealous of your rockin’ a tube top. I mean seriously, girl!
lizcooper says
I love these…they are such a testament to daily life and how enjoyable it can be. And they are a reminder to me to soak up all those daily life moments and not rush rush rush hurry hurry hurry (like I tend to do). I love baby girl’s rockin’ outfit too! Adorable shoes!
Jaina says
Tabitha, can I just say that I constantly read your blog and think “this is how I want to live, to be with my family” when I start having children…even now. You make everything beautiful and it’s just so wonderful. Sounds like you had a perfect day.
MommyNamedApril says
sounds like a fantastic day 🙂
Live.Love.Eat says
You wow me. This is beautiful.
taufanzug junge says
cute baby with lovely dress .