I was just going to leave a cute little title like Failing Forward with a photo of my almost failed Martha Stewart-ish domesticity attempt in the kitchen, in which I pumped that half beating heart back to life and made something edible. Something deliciously, decadently edible. So there will be more on that later.
Photo taken on the iPhone 4 with Instagram.
But then I put our littlest to bed and it all changed. I mean, IT ALL CHANGED. Tonight, instead of his evening routine of settling into that satisfied lull, that rhythm of suck-and-breathe, suck-and-breathe that reduces us both into a relaxed pile of mush, as if love were moving in perfect harmony with our little feeding ceremony… he didn’t even look for a way to nurse. He cuddled in, close and comfy with his stuffed puppy nestled in tight under his chin. I waited. I rocked, and he fell asleep. I don’t know the answers, or the future, if this is the simultaneous end of this stage of babyhood and the beginning of a new chapter in his life, or if he’ll just wake, looking for me, earlier than his routine of a glorious 6AM ceremony that puts him back to sleep for a couple more hours. Whatever it is, it had me kissing his buttery soft forehead that peaks out from under a silky tuft of hair, just begging to be kissed. It had my eyes taking in every tiny little wrinkle and fold of his skin through the salty blur of tears and cramming them to memory. It had me inhaling the sweet scent of his head, and I just couldn’t put him down. He’s growing up. One thing is certain, the love will still be there, it will always be there, but the ceremony? That might be changing.
Sandee says
They grow up way too fast. My son is 40 years old. They grow up way too fast.
He’s a cutie pie too. Great shot.
Have a terrific WW. 🙂
alicia says
Aw. Sweet and sad. I was going to call my post, “growing up too fast” but I resisted. But yes, they do. Sigh…
LucidLotus says
I remember that feeling of like, wait I’m not ready. It’s a heartbreaker, for sure.
Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander says
Handsome little guy, as always! One ceremony ends, only to bring on a new and exciting one. 🙂 *hugs*
Azhita says
Sigh…that they do. Those days are over for me, and I DO miss it. My youngest is 2. I was out for lunch with 2 of my boys today, and saw a VERY fresh baby. Made me weepy for days gone by.
Simply Dyes says
awww, so sweet! he’s really a cool tyke!
My entry could be found HERE. Please don’t forget to follow me at GFC or Networked Blog and like my FB page 🙂 thanks
Have a great Wednesday!
Cafe au lait says
So cute!
I played too. Mine are here and here.
PippaD says
So cute!
jayayceeblog says
Just another one of those bittersweet moments that make up motherhood. It’s so great that you celebrate them and commit them to memory!
Secret Mom Thoughts says
Definitely a bittersweet moment.
mZ E says
stopping by from Wordish Wednesday. First off your son is SUPER CUTE! And Yes they do grow up so fast…seems like yesterday ma daughter was just laying there…NOW, she is EVERYwhere! *smile* Enjoy them while you can! Beautiful Blog by the way..
Mama Zen says
Simultaneous celebration and heartbreak!
Adorable picture!
Gerri says
Oh, he looks so cute. Bless you as he grows and yes, it can be so bittersweet. 😉 Love you.
Tammy says
I remember when my bug was done nursing and was ready to move on to new adventures. He still needs his mom (even at age 8) for those booboo’s and just lots of love. It does change but I have found for the better!
Thanks for linking up with us today for Thursday’s Friends Cafe. I love your blog…I will be back! 🙂
MissMOE says
Beautiful Blog! I’ve enjoyed clicking around and checking it out. Hopping over from Thursday Friends Cafe.
Brandy, April, and Amanda says
It’s hard and wonderful at the same time to see them growing up. How cute!
I am hopping in from a Thursday hop and would love for you to stop by. Have a great day!
The Rheinlander's says
Thanks for Linking up with us for Thursdays Friends Cafe!! You know I adore ya!!
tracy says
what an absolute cutie pie!
“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” ~Elizabeth Lawrence