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Top tricks from Fresh Mommy Blog on revealing amazing winter skin with Aveeno® Active Naturals and other at home tricks as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #Aveeno.
We all know how our skin can get in the winter. Dry and flaky isn’t a look I particularly like. So with all the “improvements” that happen around the beginning of the year, I figured I didn’t want to leave my skin behind. Just because it’s covered up in layers of long sleeves and boots (well, that’s only happened for a few days here in Florida), doesn’t mean that we can’t treat our skin right, because when we do, it treats us good too.
I just saw a post on Facebook about how women act when summer is around the corner… basically maniacally trying to get ready to bare a beach-ready body. I’ve been that crazed woman before, but this time around, I just want to take care of the skin I’m in (pun intended yes, but true nonetheless… I’m just working on maintaining my “mostly” healthy lifestyle. I say mostly, because I know I’m not perfect and I want to enjoy life, but aiming healthy is where I’m at).
So, here are a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way for a more natural and holistic approach to keeping skin smooth and moisturized (and basically looking amazing and like we could walk down the red carpet of all those awards shows happening right now) all winter long.
1// Dry brush.
Since skin is our largest organ, dry brushing is something that can greatly improve health! Our skin plays a crucial role in detoxification, and this helps to brush off and exfoliate dead skin cells, stimulate the lymphatic system, help with circulation and cellulite. When I dry brush regularly (meaning, before every bath or shower while still dry) I notice a huge difference in the quality of my skin (meaning it stays so soft and smooth). Of course, I like to add essential oils for even more benefit. Just put a couple drops of essential oil in your hand and rub your dry brush into the oil to coat the bristles. Cedarwood, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Cypress are great for stimulating the lymph system.
Some tips for dry brushing: Use long, smooth strokes and always brush toward your heart. Avoid sensitive areas and anywhere the skin is broken such as areas of skin rash, wounds, cuts, and infections. If you need a brush, use one with natural fibers as opposed to synthetic, as those may be too rough on your skin.
2// Beware of the bath… and learn how to take the right one.
Baths are great ways to relax and warm up during winter months, but you have to make sure it’s the right kind of bath! Temperature and timing are key… Bathe and shower with lukewarm water as too hot of water can remove the natural oils of the skin. My favorite time to take a bath or shower is at night anyway because it relaxes and unwinds me after a busy day (plus, there’s a lower chance of having my kids pop in on me because they’re in bed)… but it’s beneficial for more hydrated skin as well because this way, your body can replenish its protective natural oils during the night.
Tips for a moisturizing bath: For extra hydration, mixing a cup of vinegar to the bath water helps get rid of dry skin itchiness. Since I’m not a fan of the scent, as I’m sure is the case for many of us, I only recommend that for when desperately needed. Otherwise, essential oils are my go-to for a great bath. My top choice for beating the winter skin woes? Lavender essential oil. Myrrh and Clove Bud are extremely hydrating as well. Using a high-quality, pure essential oil will actually help treat dry skin issues, and of course the scent is relaxing as well.
3// The right scrub.
With the cold weather upon us, this is a GREAT time to bust out a DIY body scrub. Using a gentle scrub, you will help stimulate circulation… and with the added effects of the oil and essential oil you’ll help keep your skin moisturized and oil-balanced!
There are basically three parts to a scrub, the exfoliant, the moisturizer and the scent (with benefits). For the exfoliant, use 1 cup of sea salt or sugar. For the moisturizer, choose an oil that you love and that you’ve already got on hand as you’d only need about 1/2 cup. Many use olive oil, I prefer the scent of coconut oil. Avocado, almond and jojoba are all good options as well. Then you’ll just need 5-15 drops of your essential oil of choice! Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Frankincense are all great oils for dry skin. Lavender and Peppermint are also great oils for any skin type.
To create and use your DIY scrub: Mix the exfoliant and enough moisturizing oil to make a slush; add essential oils and stir to combine. Store in a container with a tight-fitting lid. To use: Rub the scrub in a circular motion towards the heart, starting with the feet. Rinse and enjoy feeling invigorated and moisturized! This is also a great DIY scrub with coffee!
4// Smooth it on.
While you’re skin is still damp from a bath or shower, it’s time to seal in that moisture with a great moisturizer! I’ve been using Aveeno® Daily Moisturizing Lotion and it’s been working great for me lately.
I seem to always have my hands in water… washing dishes, washing clothes, washing hands, and those hands show the first signs of dry winter skin. Besides sealing in that after-bath moisture, I’ve been trying to keep my hands hydrated all though out the day (and keeping a bottle of this lotion near my kitchen sink during the day actually helps me immensely, so I can quickly rub a little in between washing Skylar’s bottle and sweeping cheerios off of the floor). And it actually maintains moisture throughout a few hand washes. Formulated with ACTIVE NATURALS® Colloidal Oatmeal and rich emollients, it helps prevent and protect dry skin for a full 24 hours. Soothing colloidal oatmeal, by the way, can help restore skin’s normal pH and is the #1 ingredient most trusted and recommended by dermatologists.
A little more: I haven’t used this lotion on my face yet, although, I’ve seen many reviews where people have said it’s even improved the look of their skin or helped with rashes, etc… but I can say, I’ve used it on the rest of my body and it definitely gives the feeling of smoother skin without feeling oily or greasy. Sometimes, I’ll even add a drop of essential oil to my hand before a couple pumps of the lotion to boost it’s beneficial properties even more before smoothing on my skin.
5// Drink up.
One of the top tell-tale signs that I haven’t been drinking enough water is through my skin. Not everyone will agree that drinking water helps improve skin hydration and complexion, but I totally notice a difference, so it can’t hurt right?! You won’t see results overnight, but even a couple of weeks of increased water intake should bring results that show you just how much hydration can effect your skin. I keep a water bottle on my nightstand so I can start the day off with a full 16oz of water first thing in the morning and add more during the day. (Did this happen in December? Not so much, but I’ve been kicking those bad holiday habits to the curb.)
Tips for drinking more water: Try to gulp about half of your body weight in ounces of water each day (for example, if you weigh 150 lbs, drink at least 75oz of water daily). Keep a water bottle with you at all times, we love the Lifefactory silicone sleeved glass bottles, and use a 100% pure, pharma-grade drop of Lemon essential oil in your bottle each morning. EOs are potent, so you don’t really need more than that, but it will flavor your water throughout the day as well as speed up detox from within. You can also add fresh berries, mint leaves, citrus fruits and cucumber to your water for a health-boosting flavor variety.
6// Turn it off.
Want one more little extra tip? Get some sleep! Yeah I know, totally easier said than done right? Especially if you’re a mama, because it feels like whatever is on our own to-do list begins when we get the littles down for bed. But make it a point to set yourself a bedtime… for at least a few days a week. Research has shown that sleep can actually help revive and refresh your skin from the inside out as it restores skin cells. Maybe knowing that will help us all get ourselves to bed a little earlier this week.
Tips for better sleep: Making your bedroom a cozy and inviting space will make it easier for you to want to be there in the evening. It’s important to give yourself that calming space to unwind. At least once a week, set an early bed time and stick to it! Don’t allow electronics or artificial light into your bed so that it won’t stop your body’s natural production of melatonin as night falls. Cut off caffeine mid-day and other drinks at least an hour before you hit the sack (meaning you need to get your water in early!). Of course baths before bedtime are always relaxing as well, and lavender is a great sleepy-time aromatherapy scent.
So, if you could choose just one thing to start improving the overall look and feel of your skin what would it be? Changes always happen best slowly and over time, but if you want to dive into all of them, go right ahead! I’m dipping my toes into each… although sleep is the area I need the most improvement.
We love using for our source for pure and pharmagrade essential oils. I’ve done my research and trust their purity, and so it’s what I use in my own home for my family. You can use code FRESHMOMMY for 10% off every order!
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Why We Love
Essential Oils
Did you know that the first prescription ever recorded was for Frankincense Oil? The second was for Peppermint Oil. There is so much natural medicine at our disposal, we just have to know where to look.
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