Our recent family vacation brought us many enjoyments, fried oreos being one of them. But out of each and every attraction, exhibit, sight and outing, Baby Blue’s favorite was by far the fish… large and small.
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She was enthralled. Watching with sweet intensity, clapping and smiling as she declared, “they got us all wet!”
To this day she still talks about the “dolphins” that got us all wet. And then I ask, “you mean the whales?” To which she replies, “yes, the whales that got us all wet.” Same conversation. Every time.
Though all whales and dolphins can actually be considered whales. It’s still a cute conversation.
Our next endeavor took us to the little fish… that we fed to the big fish. Feeding sharks was one of the items on her to-do list. She carried those slimy little fish the entire way to the shark tank and threw them in one by one.
And then we promptly washed our hands.
After thoroughly washing the fish smell from our hands, we found ourselves at another ride that would fling us around in circles.
After a couple of rides, we had to put our foot down. Literally and figuratively.
It was magical, and my girl just loved everything about the magical fish place.
Momma Chae says
I love her little red top! So sweet. And I noticed that you matched. 🙂 What a fun day for you guys.
Kasey says
lovely photo’s Tabitha…
i don’t think i have ever even heard of fried oreo’s….sounds too good.
Crystal Rae says
those are great shots, those whale shots are awesome, I think it’s that blue water. LOL
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Merrick is OBSESSED w Shamu!
LOVE that red gingham dress!
mommaof4wife2r says
she is soooo precious!!! love it! the shot of her int he swirly ride is too much! i can’t do them…if you had a pic of me, i would be green from a swirly ride!
Shanna says
Love your shots, especially of your little princess. We’ve gotten ours so used to “smile” when we wanted to take pictures that now anytime I have the camera, they sit up, pose and smile… usually. I love the candid shots better, they show more of the ‘real’ life moment. 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
Briony says
ahhhh i wish i could have been there…i still am aching to go to sea world. my favorite place ever! hahah i am glad she loved it as much as i do 🙂
Jaden Paige says
Those are some great pictures! Don’t you love how when little ones get something in their head for a memory, it’s all they can focus on from that event? lol! So cute 😀
Christopher says
Talk about fun!! So cool!!
Izzy 'N Emmy says
Fried Oreos are the BEST!!! Soo good! And I have to agree with Blue, the fish are awesome.
Dr. Wifey says
what a great vacation. she is a doll baby!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
Great photos!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
Great photos!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
Great photos!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
Love those shots, especially those of the whale. Very cool and I’m glad you had fun!
Amy says
Fun times, indeed. She looks so intense enjoying herself.
I wanna try fried Oreos…yum!
Huong says
This made me smile with each picture and the narrative that went along with it 🙂
Stacey says
Sooo cute! Your conversation about the fish reminds me of my conversation with my little guy anytime we hit an elevator. He says, “Mom, it’s an alligator!” To which I reply, “You mean elevator?” And he says, “Yeah, alligator.”
I love this age!
Linda @ My Trendy Tykes says
Those are great shots. I bet everyone had a great time.
Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out says
LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the pics…especially the last one!
[email protected] says
fried oreos sound amazing!…being a huge oreo fan myself….who weird i was actually thinking about them a couple hours ago and wishing i had some! great action shots and i adore the little box of fish! blessings…
amanda says
Oh my gosh. That last photo is great!!! I loooove it, seriously, I really do.
Life with Kaishon says
Your vacation looks so wonderfully fun :). She is the cutest little thing!
Tiaras & Tantrums says
look how beautiful that water is!!
we have that same little necklace!!
Tiaras & Tantrums says
look how beautiful that water is!!
we have that same little necklace!!
Tiaras & Tantrums says
look how beautiful that water is!!
we have that same little necklace!!
Grace says
your little darling is already more mature than i am in some ways–i’m absolutely too squeamish to play around with dead fish. 🙂
Gerri says
Wow, she is/was so brave…:)
Jaina says
Oh I heart Sea World…I have a season pass. I love just going down to catch a show or two and hang out. The bf and our friend the manager both have passes. You were at the one in Florida, right?