It was the best advice.
Shortly before saying I Do to the man I was madly, deeply in love with, the one I planned on spending every moment of growing old with, the best friend that still made my heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice, we heard the wise words of council… get naked.
Of course, those words weren’t meant for that exact moment, but rather for middle-of-an-argument marriage advice. You know like, “I can’t believe you said that, how could you even THINK that?! Wait, what are you doing? Why are buttons being undone? Okay this is WEIRD. I can’t even be mad at you right now.”
Not that I can confirm that this is a tactic we’ve successfully applied in our years of marriage.
It may be. But I’ll never tell.
I have heard that it works.
One thing I do know, it makes me laugh. Just the thought. Like a juvenile talking about bodily functions in the middle of class. I giggle.
One more thing I do know, letting how we truly feel hang out there, being open and honest and real, has helped us remain best friends as well as lovers in marriage. And sometimes that’s harder. To let someone see the real us, to let our soul be naked and free, in need of a tone-up and a tan, but okay with it and confident that no matter what we’ll be accepted, or rather, celebrated.
We’ve been cultivating the ability to talk and share… and listen. And I think it’s a needed part of being open, because it brings the knowledge that you’ll be heard, thus completing the circle and making it easier to talk and share… and listen. Oh, and be naked.
And leave little love notes on the bathroom mirror.
And wash each other’s dirty socks and underwear.
And have regular dates where we leave the “kid talk” at home.
Try it this week… get naked, in one form or another.
Happy National Marriage week!
Ashlee says
lol that’s a terrific Idea. “OH my gosh, You hate…wait..why are your pants off?” hahaha
Gerri says
Love this!! After almost 15 years, I must say I have never heard this. There is always room for new tips!!
Erin says
LOl cute advice!
Nessa says
great advice! everyone laughs at a streaker… right?
Briony says
hahah this definitely makes me giggle…haha i will be sure to apply it when i get married 😉 hahah
Cascia says
Very interesting words of advice. I might have to try that!
Blonde Moxie says
Love the image of a naked soul in need of a tune up and a tan!
jennykate77 says
AWE! This is a sweet post. I like that advice…makes me giggle too. Probably works!
LOVE the pictures of your guys…they’re gorgeous!♥
Pam says
Sweet….you have such a beautiful family.
Amanda says
Awesome post. Maybe I’ll try that sometime.
withoutadornment says
Haha! Fantastic idea. I’m sure my husband will love it. 😛
That Janie Girl says
Loved this post, Tab. And the pictures are absolutely lovely.
Amy says
I love this post! It is so true. . .all of it but especially about bearing your whole self to the one you love. The amazing part comes when they love you in spite of yourself. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
GabbyRM says
Great post (and photos)! I didn’t know it was Marriage Week!
Prasti says
love this :).
my husband is really the only person who has seen the “real” me. i can put my guard down with him, be vulnerable with him, let it all hang out (so to speak) without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. this whole marital journey has been amazing, and i often think that one day i’m going to wake up and it was just all a dream.