Welcome to our tradition here on Fresh Mommy Blog… on Wednesdays, when I try to be wordless, I’m just going to dump the previous week’s photos from my phone. A little piece of where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to. And the resulting collage? Well, I think it speaks so much more than I could. Welcome to Hump Day Dump, we’d love to have you join, whether it’s one photo or many, phone pics or camera pics, wordless or not!

Bernie says
What a great looking day… Must have been happy with it all??
Mines up as well at AussiePomm – Cymbidium Orchids
Have a great WW!!
alicia says
Another fun set of photos. I enjoy following you on instagram.
Run DMT says
What great shots! I love the shot of the ropes.
Lolli says
A pink pony party?! Awesome!
Sarah Halstead says
Gorgeous photos. That party sounds awesome.
Barb @ A Life in Balance says
What a great idea! I bought Alli Worthington’s iPhone book, and have been reading through it. I’m struggling a bit with the filters though it’s so much fun to play with all the apps.
Melissa Rheinlander says
Pink Pony Party sounds awesome!! Love the sunset pics too 🙂
mail4rosey says
This is a fun collage. I love the cake!
Lenasledgeblog.com says
Great photos. I really love the one of the adorable little boy on the playground rope.
Honey Mommy says
I love your water photos! I really REALLY wish we lived closer to the beach… any beach! By the way, you take awesome iPhone pictures. I need to work on getting better!
Sorry I am late to the party! Life is getting away from me lately!
Kris @ beyond the whiskers says
Love the face painted pictures. It’s like getting to share the joy of being a little kid, without having to be told to clean up your room. 😉
Camille says
Beautiful pics, looks like you all have had a fun week!!
NC Sue says
Thank you for visiting Wordless Wednesday at http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing what you’ve been shooting! And please visit this week’s Observing Beauty linky, too – it’s up and running!
I hope to see you again soon.
Have a great week,
MixedMolly says
I want a pink pony party!! Love the face painting.
suzette james says
Love your photos. 🙂