Welcome to our tradition here on Fresh Mommy Blog… on Wednesdays, when I try to be wordless, I’m just going to dump the previous week’s photos from my phone. A little piece of where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to. And the resulting collage? Well, I think it speaks so much more than I could. Welcome to Hump Day Dump, we’d love to have you join, whether it’s one photo or many, phone pics or camera pics, wordless or not!

alicia says
Fun pics. Love that first one. This stop always makes me smile.
Ms. Sarah says
great photos!
Melissa Rheinlander says
Looks like a fun filled week!!
Lolli says
Reading magazines?! That is too cute! For some reason (even though it’s breakfast time) those cupcakes look really good!
another jennifer says
Great pics. Makes me miss summer….
Camille says
Great pics, they are too cute 🙂
mail4rosey says
I love the picture in the cart.
Mitzi says
Great photos…I’m with mail4rosey, the cart is probably my favorite! Priceless moments. Thanks for hosting the hop.
Honey Mommy says
Great pictures! Hope you had a happy birthday! Mine is this month too.
Sorry I am late to the party! I just got back from San Francisco and had SO many fun pictures to look at from our anniversary trip. Stop by and see my pics of the Golden Gate!
Janice Trinh says
Last week looked totally fun. Made me wish we were related so I could have joined you. Ha! I take lots of photos with Instagr.am app too. I try to take at least one a day. It’s my way of Chronicling those little moments that happen so quickly around here. 🙂
Christine says
You’ve inspired me to take more photos! Or good ones, at least. My iPhone is a dumping ground for blurry pics that I never get around to deleting.
Danijela says
Hello, I saw link to your post at 5minutesformom and had to stop by. I have to say, these pictures are truly amazing. Great work!