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These photos were originally posted on Instagram. If you want to find me, I’m on Instagram as TabithaBlue and would love to “meet” you!
Welcome to our tradition here on Fresh Mommy Blog… on Wednesdays, when I try to be wordless, which doesn’t always happen, I’m just going to dump the previous week’s photos from my phone. Welcome to Hump Day Dump, we’d love to have you join, whether it’s one photo or many, phone pics or camera pics, wordless or not! So just grab a photo and link up with us! You can grab my button from the sidebar, but it’s not required. If you’d like to connect with some other great Wordless Wednesday participants, just click here or on one the thumbnails below. Don’t forget to link up below!
Adrienne says
Those same little faces will be so glad to see you on the other side!! Enjoy NYC!
stevebethere says
Aww! cute photos
Have a fantabulosa week 😉
Ai Sakura says
Hope to visit the Big Apple one day!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Judy Haughton-James says
Very beautiful pictures. Thanks for hosting.
Sarah Halstead says
Love these. That first one is amazing!
Lily Ashley says
as always I love visiting your page 😉
Thank you for hosting WW, I have a linky on mine as well;
if you would like to stop by 😉
OrangeHeroMama says
Love your photos! Especially the library shot, and the eggs in the dishes!
zongrik says
i like the children’s library
Irene Soh says
I love ice skating. Hopefully we’ll be about to do it one christmas at rockafellas!!
Beth F says
Always happy to see children reading!
Lolli says
I miss our library. So many wonderful memories with my kids and books. 🙂
Ms POSH says
I only use my iphone to take pictures these days.
Amanda Coers says
I love seeing pictures of the big city! I’m from central Texas – so it always seem so strange and foreign to me when I see snapshots of NYC and other large metropolitan areas.
esther says
aww…the pic with the kids in the car made me sad 🙁 saying good-bye and seeing her little hands waiving at you.
rebbeca Raquel says
That cloudy picture is very awesome, as I like clouds when they are so white.
Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here .
The Crumby Mummy says
Great collage as always! Love the books photo! x