Eeeeekkk! I’m SO excited about our new home, the remodel and this suuuuper tiny sneak peek with our new bed for the master bedroom and this LULL mattress unboxing! For one, this was fun to shoot, because opening the mattress reminded me of those growing “worm” things that we used to get when we were kids while the older ones played with bottle rockets and other fireworks… I was fascinated with the worms (yeah, it’s not what they’re technically called, but I have no idea what they’re technically called). Or, when we’d be a at a restaurant and I’d crinkle up the straw wrapper as tight as I could and would place just the smallest drop of water to watch it grow. Yeah, that’s pretty much the excitement I felt about opening this mattress.
But I digress. The room makeover. THAT has me all pitter patter too! I cannot wait to share some of the things we have going on! I announced on Facebook Live not too long ago that we bought a house! Well, we’ve got so many things up our sleeve with it and progress is happening every day… and yes, it will all be shared, soon. Very soon. 😉
In the meantime, I have to say, it’s kind of difficult to remodel a house while traveling. For one, I can very well help paint from 3000 miles away. This month has been a big month of travel for me for some work, and we’ve been filming and shooting as much as we can in the two very recent 24 hour turnarounds in travel; you know between the laundry (have to wash so I can repack each time!), kiddo cuddles and spending as much time together as possible. So basically what I’m saying is sleep has eluded me, but I’m just excited so I guess it’s okay.
Another note, things like choosing colors for everything, and design decisions are just harder choices to make when away. Every home, every space has it’s own feel, it’s own vibe… between that and the light streaming into each area, I really want to be in the space to make choices. So, the remodel is definitely happening, slowly but surely.
Okay enough ranting, on to our new bed and this LULL Mattress Unboxing! Join the little kiddos and I in this newest Unboxing video (and don’t forget to come find us on YouTube for more… more recipes, more vlogs, more fun!)… watch until the end for the cutest Aria cameo!
Can’t wait to unveil everything that we’re doing in this space, so stay tuned. So far, we’re loving this new bed and mattress, and especially the fact that there’s no middle man, this mattress arrived right on our door step… meaning no high pressure shopping, no arranging and paying for delivery, we’ve got a high quality mattress and they come at low prices. Plus, it’s just fun to open!
Side note: my sweet babe has been crawling like crazy lately, pulling up on things and wanting/trying so badly to walk. First, slow down little girl, slow down. Second, sweet babe bumped her head and I’m so thankful her eye just has a little area to heal… the bruising went away so quickly!! Now, I just have to keep a close eye on my busiest little busy body 🙂
Thanks LULL for sending us a new mattress for this sponsored post and LULL Mattress unboxing! Get $50 Off your Lull with this link!
tineke - workingmommyabroad says
Love the pics of the 3 of you, SO CUTE!! And cant wait to see more of your makeover!
Tabitha Blue says
Thank you so much!!
Shari says
What fun, the new bed looks great!
Adree says
That is awesome! The mattress is like watching magic!
Tabitha Blue says
Right?! So fun!
Samantha Kuzyk | Raising Twincesses says
Such cute pics of you and the kiddos on your new bed & mattress! and, omg, the box with the lion in a suit! I laughed so hard, I love it! Looking forward to seeing more of your home makeover!
Lindsay says
these are the sweetest photos!! and I’m seriously dying over that headboard!
Kiley says
That mattress looks so unbelievably comfortable. I love all the photos you took of you and your adorable kids too!
Tabitha Blue says
Awe thanks so much Kiley!
Claudia says
How cute!! And the video is amazing! That bed looks so comfy!
Justine @ Little Dove says
Great video! Loved your review and all the pictures! We’re in desperate need of a new mattress over here, lol.
Tabitha Blue says
Right?! It’s definitely kind of a big deal to go mattress shopping… not knowing where to start, what to get, and it’s expensive! We had fun with this one and I was glad I didn’t have to take my kids to a store. Lol
Erin says
This unboxing is so cute!
Tabitha Blue says
Ha, thanks girl!
Melissa says
We need to get a new mattress! Definitely checking out. Also, your family is adorable!
Tabitha Blue says
Awe thanks so much Melissa!
Nicole Banuelos says
Love your video! We’ve been looking into mattresses recently so I’ll definitely check them out!
Tabitha Blue says
For sure a great one to check out 🙂
Kristeena says
Loved the video! This unboxing was so cute 🙂
Tabitha Blue says
Haha, thanks! We had fun with it 🙂
Sapana V says
Wow.. this mattresses looks comfortable. Liked the video.
Tabitha Blue says
Thank you! 🙂
Linh says
How exciting!! We are in major need of a new mattress of my older daughter’s room and this brand would be awesome! Great video too mama!
Tabitha Blue says
I like that it cuts out the middle man and saves money! So far, I’m loving it 🙂
Amy Lu says
This mattress looks amazing!
Tabitha Blue says
Thanks girl! We had to go out of town for a few days, but I can’t wait t get back and really try it out!
Reece says
Happy to see a happy family and a new bed and mattress 🙂 Maybe you could do a little review of both (or maybe you already did) Tabitha? I would love to know more.