I’ve had a few people ask my setup for The Maternity Series photos, and I have to say, it’s not much… I’ve got a blanket pinned to a wall in my office in a place that’s sort of out of the way, that gets a decent amount of natural light, and then we usually turn on our soft box to add a little extra fill light. Though I don’t have a photo to share at the moment of our actual set-up, maybe I can Instagram that later, I do have these outtakes of Brayden and Penelope. I don’t usually have any shortage of assistants that want to stand in while I get a quick light check. No, these aren’t the sharpest photos as they were taken with a quick click to get a light reading… but I couldn’t stand to delete these moments when I opened them up.
Do you ever feel like life’s outtakes are like that? The days you didn’t plan, that end up being crazy and chaotic and busy and yet so rewarding at the end of the day… going to bed full and yet at the same time spent.
Since we’re now just two weeks out from our newest addiction’s predicted arrival, we’re feeling like it could be any day now, while juggling these crazy end-of-the-school year school routines and schedules and prepping for the bunny’s birthday, and still trying to slide in special memories while we’re just a family of four, it feels as though balls have been dropping all over the place. But I’m returning to a previous realization… I’m going to pick one, ONE, really great ball and spin the heck out of it, outtakes and all.
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