If you’re anything like me, then you’ve got your phone pretty organized for all of your needs (or at least apps for everything you think you’ll need and then more you don’t actually use)… and when this pregnancy came around, I started the hunt for the best pregnancy apps out there! Now, I don’t like to spend a ton of wasted time on my phone, I mean, with my camera, photo editing, Instagram and emails I think I’m already on there a little too much ;). What I DO like, however, is having the info I need at the touch of my fingers and not having to go too far to look for it or spending more time than I need to on google searching for an answer. For me, apps are a way to keep things organized, get my lists together, get the info I need, etc. With pregnancy, there are quite a few more needs, and apps are a great way to go!
In no particular order, here is a round up of some FREE pregnancy apps to install when you find those two pink lines on the stickthat have to do with everything from pre to post pregnancy! (or send this post to a preggo mama that you may know!).
Table of Contents
iPeriod Period Tracker
Okay, so maybe this won’t come in so handy once you see those pink lines… but before you’re pregnant this is a great way to keep track of your cycle. TMI alert right here, I’m horrible at keeping track and so being able to push a simple button to track this for me is a life saver. Plus, when the doctor asks (as well as every other person at every other appointment during pregnancy) when the date of your last period was, you’ll know!
My Pregnancy by Baby Center
Basically the 3-D image it gives of your baby in utero each week is pretty amazing. This is the tracker I’ve used for most pregnancies, and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? I get a weekly notification of baby size, what week I’m in and what I should be doing/not doing at this point of the pregnancy. This is an app that really has so much to offer and the more you get into it, the more you find… countdown calendar, kick tracker, contraction timer, registry, wish list, etc. It’s kind of like a one-stop shop for tracking your pregnancy needs!
Water Alert
Staying hydrated is important for everyone, but especially when you’re pregnant. Though this app isn’t specifically for those expecting, it’s so great to keep track of water intake and to remind yourself to hydrate! I have notifications turned on and it will pop up alerts to drink water all throughout the day, then I can just swipe and it will log it for me! Seriously, the best reminder for keeping up with water intake.
My Contractions
When the time comes, this is one app you’ll already want downloaded on your phone. Just go ahead and get it set up and ready now 😉 I used this app when I went into labor with Skylar and it was so easy! Just tap a button when a contraction begins and then again when the contraction ends… it does the rest for you. I actually had some contractions all throughout the night before he was born and slept with my phone in my hand. When a contraction would wake me, I’d just hit the button. This whole thing made it pretty convenient for me to give an accurate account to the doctor when I called the next morning, otherwise, I’m sure I’d have been a forgetful mess!
Glow Nurture
This is an uber-comprehensive free tracker. Similar to My Pregnancy, so you don’t really need both (although I do have both on my phone to sometimes compare notes based on my current week in pregnancy), this app offers a lot of interactive features, like connecting with other moms and medical professionals. It is completely customizable to your pregnancy, and the more you log your own stats each day, the more in depth and comprehensive it can be for you! Basically, I’ve only skimmed the surface of what this app can do and I really like it. If you’re the type that likes to chart everything… then this app is the way to go!
Fresh Mommy Blog
Okay shameless plug here, but guys, we have an app!!! Stay up-to-date with our pregnancy progress and see all of our Fresh Mommy posts, from the blog, from Instagram and more, all in one place. We’re always sharing our top tips during pregnancy. You can search for maternity, style, recipe posts and more. Plus, you can even just listen to music in the app and hear our current playlist 😉
WebMD Pregnancy
So if you’re already a Web MD junkie, then this app is for you. Especially for first-time expectant mamas, it can be a fight to not call your ob-gyn on a daily basis to check in with every little symptom or question. And while there is nothing wrong with calling, and we should never hesitate to phone in with a medical question, this app gives a great rundown of medical stats, symptoms based on trimester that are completely normal and will even send over daily tips based on how far along you are. It’s like an ob at the touch of a button. But of course, if something is really bothering you or doesn’t feel right, no app can replace a visit to your doc.
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga is an easy way to stay active and healthy during pregnancy. If you don’t want to get into high impact workouts, stretching is still so important this app teaches yoga exercises for every trimester to enhance comfort in day-to-day life during pregnancy. It gives you the option to design your own yoga routine or find exercises to address specific discomforts. There is an even more robust paid version, but I find this free app is plenty for me.
I usually didn’t go through name books or apps to find our children’s names… but knowing the meaning and origin behind names that I’ve heard or liked was something I’ve always liked to do. Having an app totally helps with that (much easier than searching each time, sorry google). With a good app, you can search names, favorite ones you like, find out how popular the name already is and find the meaning, origin, etc. Or just have fun with it and swipe through some baby name flash cards… this app is meant to be done in tandem, and will let you know when you and your loved one both find a baby name you like.
So, mamas, tell me… what apps have you found that you use and love?! So far, I’m all about the free apps, but if something is really helpful a little money out of pocket to make life easier doesn’t hurt. I’d love to hear what apps are helpful to you, just share in the comments!
And if you found this post helpful, don’t forget to pin it or share with someone you know!
achlebowski says
Love, love, love the Ovia App!