You guys, I’ve been on a detox this week. While it was harder than I thought it was going to be at first, I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but I’m not gonna lie, those first couple of days were rough. Nonetheless, I knew my body needed it, I needed to reset my system because of all of the pumpkin doughnuts, and pumpkin spice pop tarts, seasonal creamers in a cup of coffee… it’s Fall’s fault, totally. That and Dr. Pepper. So while I craved and cried, I also cleansed and now I’m feeling great!
Also (warning for the small percentage of male readers here, close your eyes for a minute!), I happened to start another type of cleanse that happens for us women monthly (read between the lines, friends), which means I had extra cravings, headaches and would randomly ask my husband, “Is this giving you cramps? I’m feeling cramps,” to which he’d reply, “No, but I’m also not on my period.” All this to say, having a cleanse week during period week is pretty much pure torture, and should never, ever happen.
But I made it through the hard part, and this soup was my saving grace. What’s even better is that my kids loved it and Brayden asked for more. It’s such a great way to infuse loaded veggies into your diet! Needless to say, this will become a regular staple around our home, cleanse week or not.
If you’re looking to clean out and shape up though, this soup is PACKED with nutrient-dense veggies to fast track your body back to the healthy train. For our detox week, we’re only eating vegetables, and a little bit of fruit with it, along with tons of water… and the great part of this soup is that it’s warming, filling, and we can eat as much of it as we’d like.

- 48-64 oz Vegetable Broth
- 2 Head of Broccoli
- 1 Head of Cabbage
- 1 Zucchini
- 2 Yellow Squash
- 5 Stalks Celery
- 4-5 Large Carrots
- 1 Onion
- 1 Bunch Kale
- 2 Cloves Garlic (minced)
- 2 Cans Tomatoes (or a few chopped)
- Pour vegetable broth into a pot on the stove and while it begins to heat up, chop all vegetables into bite-size pieces and add to the pot.
- Add a little pepper and sea salt to taste and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
- Serve and savor the warmth and health!
- This is a great veggie soup, you can change out any veggies in the recipe with what you've got in the fridge. If you're not doing this as part of detox week, you can also add in beans if desired.

Cheers to good health, friends! You’ll have to let me know if you try this soup, which is great for a cleanse or just a delicious health boost.
[email protected] says
No. I’m not ready. Just gimme a little more time and one more pumpkiny week… then, AFTER, my period… I’ll revisit the notion.
Tabitha Blue says
I hear ya!!! The coinciding weeks was an accident! Ugh. And I’ll get back to some of the pumpkin-y goodness, although I’ll try to make a bit more of my own, and live on it a little less. Haha. 🙂
Erin @ The Grass Skirt says
This sounds so good! I love soup, and I am totally ready for the colder weather.
The Grass Skirt
The Mini Skirt
Tabitha Blue says
Thanks Erin! It definitely will go well with the colder weather… and the fat burning effect doesn’t hurt either! 🙂
Jean Gearhart says
Tabitha, thanks for this recipe; I read your blog and always like trying the recipes that you share. I made this last week after seeing it on your blog and it was good. Adding a little cheese to it was good too; however please note I used fat-free cheese; this was keeping with your fat burning soup.
I loved it and so did Dave. Love you guys.
Tabitha Blue says
Aww, thanks Jean!! So sweet, and so glad you liked the soup!! 🙂