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Thought it was time for a fix of Brayden. I was feining. But then I ate him up with a spoon and all was right in the world.
Christina Lusk says
I hope you didn’t eat all of him. The rest of us are ready for a nibble too! ADORABLE!
An Almost Unschooling Mom says
Very sweet!
ilovepink1078 says
Very very cute. I like the smile.
MAPEH homepage
Pink Go Green
Annikke says
He is absolutely precious – so adorable (taking after his sister!)
AForestFrolic says
He is a rock star 😉 And looks just like his big sister…so adorable!
Jamie 🙂
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
Such a cutie pie!
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
Such a cutie pie!
Melissa says
Oh so cute Tabitha!
Dr. Wifey says
what a cutie patootie! he has stunning eyes!
Zeemaid says
how adorable is that!!! I miss my babies. wAH. Can I come and squdge him a little? I promise to be gentle. *L*
Stopping by from Wordless Wednesday! Have a great day!
☼¨`*•.♥Rocío♥.•*¨`☼ says
aww he has the most beautiful eyes ever!! Adorable!!
Jaina says
He is just too cute!! I can see his sister in him, you have such beautiful children.
Robin says
So cute! I just want to nibble those little piggies!
Corey~living and loving says
oh my yes! he is rockin’ that bumbo! sigh….seriously….gorgeous shot. his eyes……WOW!
Marka says
haha! His expression just makes me laugh.
Crystal Rae says
That kid is so cute. 🙂
bekkah says
OMG, the cuteness is TOO much!!
Casey's trio says
ADORABLE!! Such a great picture of your stylin baby boy:)