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“Love isn’t what makes the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
~Franklin P. Jones
Enjoy the ride of life. Let it be full of what’s worthwhile, and clear of what’s not. My family definitely makes my ride worthwhile.
Coffee with Cathy says
Love the new masthead — so fresh and pretty. I can always count on you for creative inspiration!
Kelly says
the adventure is always worth it! ups and downs alike!
love your new header…so creative and pretty!
[email protected] says
That is so beautiful 🙂 and I love your new header!
♥ bfs~"Mimi" ♥ says
Love that! I felt like I was on it with her when I started to scroll down!!
Btw ~ I’m having a little giveaway to celebrate my 100th post! Drop by and share the ♥!
Briony says
so cute…love the new header
mommaof4wife2r says
cute cute cute!
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Sweet! I made your cinnamon rolls this weekend- sooo good!!
I even used the dough to make home made doughnuts!
Crystal Rae says
That is too cute, she looks like she is having fun too!
Anonymous says
Please tell your mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I know she is with you so i thought this wld be the BEST place to get a greeting to her…. Love ya girl… hope u are feeling GREAT
Kellie Poehner
[email protected] says
me too, can i get some masthead (new word entirely to the pc challenged, lol) tutorials? the first thought i had when i saw this pic was in contrast to the other b&w steps shot the other day…i was saying look how little she was, and this shot makes her look completely older, yikes! at least you get to go through the whole infancy thing again, btw…if i forgot to say, congrats! blessings…
Jenny in Utah says
I still feel like that when I go on the escalator!!!
LOVE the new header!
Nerdy Jess says
Cute header!
She’s so dang cute!
Briony says
thanks! i’m glad you like it 🙂 i actually stitched 3 different photos together…i like how it came out
Jennifer says
Wow–very cool pic!!!!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
what an adorable picture – love it!
Christina Lee says
awww what a cutie pa-tutie!!!
Tracy says
Sooooo stinkin cute!!
PS – I saw homemade cinnamon rolls!??!?! Where is this!?
Jaden Paige says
I love this photo, it just seems to go on and on!
Your Sunday Citar posts are always so great! I love that they are short and to the point, but they really get me thinking. Thanks for reminding me what makes it all worth it!
3 Bay B Chicks says
I know you probably receive this compliment all the time, but can I take a moment and gush over the amazingness that is your photography? Wow! Your pictures floor me.
What a wonderful site. I subscribed instantly.
this pic is brilliant! love it!
Gerri says
Ahhh…Well said. And by the way, I LOVE B&Ws. This one is officially my current favorite. 😉