Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without. ~James C. Dobson
I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all. ~Lord Byron
What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Yesterday I remembered that I married my hero. With a blown out tire, baby in tow, on the side of the highway, my hero came through. Here’s to the heroes in our lives, they are our heroes daily, though feats large and small.
Jenny in Utah says
So beautiful!
Love the quotes – especially the first one!!!
And we do love the heroes in our lives – I am so glad to have him with me.
Mc Allen says
you guys arre so precious, and your pics couldn’t be more beautiful..Its simply wonderful that you still see him as your hero.. what an inspiration. LA
Tooj says
Those pics are great. 🙂 Love the aisle picture, it gives you the feeling of being there like a fly on the wall.
Mrs de Miranda says
Your wedding pictures are GORGEOUS! I love them! And the quotes are beautiful!!
Jamie says
How sweet! Bummer about the blown out tire but great that your man in shining armour came to the rescue 🙂
Prasti says
beautiful…thanks for the reminder :).
btw, we tried your pumpkin soup recipe last night and it was delicious! perfect for this time of year.
Sweet Pea Chef says
So glad your hero was ready to help rescue his damsal and damsal-ette in distress. Hope it wasn’t too traumatic!
antoinette marie says
your hero is shrinking, lol, but in a good way. he looks so thin now, kudos to him. must be all that homemade cookin, lol. i love the third, black/white pick cause you have that look that all women long for, the “exhale” moment of the film “waiting to exhale,” that look of completeness and utter peace and contentment. you go girl! my turn now, lol! blessings…
charlotte (life's a charm!) says
wow! lovely wedding photos. you both look happy and so in love.
Kelly says
beautiful post!
my hubby is my hero too!
that’s awesome!
my hubby is my knight in shining as well… 🙂
Crystal says
I’m glad I married my hero too! Love the pictures! I so remember being there, LOL.See ya in a bit!
beth says
I feel the same way about my husband. He just knows how to do stuff and fix stuff, which is a good thing because I don’t.
Also, you were one seriously gorgeous bride!
TMI says
What a beautiful tribute to your husband and AMAZING wedding photos! Truly.
traci says
what a guy!!!
love the quotes. and your christmas card is adorable!!! i love simple too and that is definately my type of card.
Grace says
what a lovely post, especially to someone still waiting for her hero… 🙂
~Trish~ says
That is awesome!
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
Awww, you look so happy!
I am reminded daily how happy I am to have married Nick!
Amy says
I absolutely LOVE those photos and I am so glad you found your real-life HERO 😀
jennykate77 says
What a sweet sweet post! The pictures are beautiful and they just say “LOVE”! Glad your hero came to your rescue! 🙂
I left an award on my page for you:)
FatGirlsSkinny says
So pretty. I feel the same way about my husband. 😀
Christina Lee says
Could your wedding pics be any more beautiful???? Thanks for reminding me what I needed to be grateful for today!
My hero’s still out there… I’ll find him someday…
I really like that third picture, the lighting is great and her expresion says so much! 🙂
Live.Love.Eat says
So beautiful!!!!! Sweet words about your hubby too. I’m glad you have that!!!
Tiffany T says
Fixed a blown tire – well done! And good for you for picking him. I married my hero too. When I walked into the house after a 2 hour drive back to my family, my hero greeted me with a “You’re beautiful.” We picked good :).
Rona's Home Page says
How sweet. I’m thankful for our hero too.
Yesica says
wow beautiful pictures