“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”
~ Dr. Suess
My inner compass has been pointing towards home for the last few days now, this long stretch of travel is nearing it’s end… at least for a little while. It always happens this way, the end of travel brings shorter fuses and quicker tempers. I don’t always say the right things or answer the way I want to. I’m missing my husband.
But even when opposing directions steer miles between us, our hearts always seem to find True North, and intertwine themselves so you can’t tell one from the other.
And like clockwork, he calls at the right moment, his calm, assuring voice sets my emotions back at ease.
Today brought with it more of the ordinary and extraordinary rolled into one. But after a day full of work, that’s about all I have the energy to say… my teething babe with a backwards sleeping schedule is now soundly snuggled next to me, his sweet baby scent begging for a cuddle and I’m rocking out this exhaustion the best I know how… with my own GPS set on HOME, ready for that time of year. The beautiful extraordinary busy-ness that lasts through the rest of the year and the holes we find of quiet and rest, the ordinary moments that are so amazing to us.
Alysha (Supermom) says
Before you know it it will be time for you to get home to your amazing hubby and your baby girl. This week has seemed extremely long to me so I can’t imagine how it feels to you. Soak up the last few days here in Cali… we will miss you!! 🙂 xoxo
Veronica Lee says
I can only imagine how hard it must be to be away from your hubby and baby. Hang in there, Tabitha!
Ooops, I hit the submit button accidentally and only the word “OF” appears!!!
Happy Sunday Citar, sweet lady!
Day 2 Day Living says
How hard it must be to be separated for a week. I can’t imagine though.
There are so many times that I say I need a week vacation for just me. No hubs, no kids but I don’t know what I would do w/ myself if I did.
Life with Kaishon says
Ahhhhh. The beach! Just a little bit jealous!
Heidi says
I love your quote so much! Beautiful shot.
shopannies says
I spent many days away from my young family and when I finally got back to them I was very happy to be home as I had missed them so very much
Anonymous says
Need to keep testing my blog. Not working as I want it to yet. Thx for the theme. Maybe this will get mine to look better..