“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”
~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You
Come spring, I crave colour (and I love this way of spelling color, so I think I’m going to adapt it into my repertoire of adjectives), and begin to notice every delicate drop of saturation onto our otherwise drab canvas. We welcome it, striving for spring-coloured life and adding a dribble of yellow here and a droplet of pink there. And when we wake up to a text inviting us out for the day, we welcome that, too… ditching Day Two of closet purging and a blowout of party supplies across the living room floor that lay begging to be sorted and organized into their new bins. So we instead lick movie theater buttered fingers and balance it perfectly with salads in the company of friends afterward. We celebrate the dawning of new life at a gorgeous friend’s baby shower. We drive home, blaring the radio in an attempt to sooth tired, cranky kids. Closets full of clothes and party ribbons littering the floor will be waiting for me later. But oh this colourful life, the awakening at the end of a long hibernation, it’s vibrant and fabulous and meant to be lived. So, live big. Live colourfully.
And yes, I probably could have used the word colourful a couple more times in this post, but I’d already hit my limit and was beginning to annoy myself.
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Corey~living and loving says
love the crocus….always wanted some in my yard….need to do something about that.
sema says
Love the bright violet flower signaling the beginning of colorful days to come!
antoinette marie says
love how the flower is sort of ‘beauty busting through the muck’ of spring mud!
Life with Kaishon says
I am so glad Spring is springing : )
Henrietta says
Enjoy the spring moment. Everything new coming up every day that is the best of all. We have still tons of snow so no spring here.
♥ Boomer ♥ says
Love this!!
Jenny says
Beautiful flower…and beautiful image of movie theater buttered fingers. Lovely!
Whimsical Creations says
It is wonderful to see signs of spring.
Sounds like an amazing way to spend the day. =)
Crystal Rae says
i love that its a small purple flower peaking out from the sticks. 🙂 Beautiful!
Joules says
Yes!! Live colorfully – I love it:) Bring it on Spring, I am ready for all you’ve got to give!
The Blonde Duck says
Popped in from SITS! I LOVE spring! It’s my favorite season!