Sweater Dress: Old Navy, Belt: Target
I’m often asked how this pregnancy differes from the others. And I guess third time’s a charm, right? I experienced a bit of nausea in the beginning trimester with all three of my little ones, though my second time around the bend, with Brayden, it lasted much longer and was much more intense. Yet even through it all, I tend to be the type that relishes the fact that it is all part of a season where my body is changing and expanding and making room for the miracle and beauty that is CARRYING AND CRAFTING A CHILD. And so I take the so called bad with the good, this unending stream of highs and lows (which by the way, I think is perfect preparation for motherhood) and I smile… Because no matter what it feels like, something amazing really is happening. I think the moments that seem hard, the times where the temptation to be tired is strong or the moments of crazy hormonal shifts, they are all segways into something beautiful, and they help us to see that beauty for what it is and nothing less for without those lesser moments in life, the greatness of the normal and everyday might not be so evident.
That is what I think of as each successive turn of carrying a new life leaves me at times with fits of sleepiness like I hadn’t experienced with the last. And then I chalk I up to the fact that I get to spend time with the two other little blessings that have already added so much joy and fullness to my life. And sometimes, when mama really needs it, we can even spend some of that time together in our big bed, in clouds of fluffy down comforters for a nap.
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