I can’t believe it, we are moments (okay weeks) away from Aria turning ONE and I just can’t handle it! How did this tiny, sweet newborn grow up? How did time pass so quickly? I know it’s totally cliche, but you guys, I’m already missing the baby-ness!
Though Aria has been traveling with me quite a bit recently, in fact, she’s snuggled up next to me in a hotel room in New York as I type this, we’re planning some fun family road trips this summer… got to get our #bluesummertour on again! Soon after her first birthday, we’ll be hitting the road and it’s just crazy that we’ll be toting four kiddos around with us (no longer three kids and a baby *tears*).
No matter the age or the stage our kids are at, as a parent, our first priority is safety; we all just want to protect our children. We want to keep them from getting hurt, whether physically or any other way possible. We want to shield them from bad and expose them to the good of this world. We want to keep them babies for as long as possible (oh wait, is that just me?).
Not too far from where we’re snuggled up here in New York City, Chicco recently announced TurnAfter2, a national movement designed to be the perfect reminder of car seat safety as we work together to keep our kids safe. In 2011, the AAP began recommending that all children ride in rear-facing car seats as long as possible, but until at least the age of 2. A recent survey conducted by Chicco revealed that while 58% of parents are aware of the AAP’s recommendation, the majority of them are uncomfortable talking to other parents about keeping their child rear-facing. Why am I giving all of this background information? Well, to make it easier for parents to keep their kids rear-facing longer, Chicco also recently introduced the Fit2 Infant and Toddler Seat. It’s a first-of-its-kind rear-facing car seat made to comfortably tote your child safely from day 1 through year 2! Meaning ONE car seat with the travel convenience of an infant car seat and two stages for use: infant and toddler, all without taking up any additional space in the car.
I know with my first, I was surprised at how quickly she outgrew her infant seat and we were off buying another. Just like her, many children outgrow infant car seats in length before they hit the weight. With the Fit2, there is now a rear-facing seat that is designed to truly fit both infants and 2-year-old toddlers in weight and seated height… really though, this is a big deal!
Kiddos can stay rear-facing longer, meaning the peace of mind to travel safe with baby everyday, and on all of our road trips. Plus, we can invest in one car seat that lasts through both stages of growth.

We’ve been traveling with our four wee ones since our oldest actually was a wee newborn, and safety has always been high on our list. So today I’m sharing a few of our learned lessons to travel safe for family travel… and definitely something we refer to on our big summer road trips!
So whether you hit the road in trains, planes or automobiles a good seat for all the littles is a must. Finding a way to get them comfy and settled (also fed!) before you start your journey makes it easier on everyone involved. And remember to TurnAfter2. 🙂
Something I never stray away from…If something feels wrong, it most likely is wrong. Use your own common sense and trust your gut.
If you’re carrying a lot of cash on you, keep it in multiple places. I never keep all my cash in my wallet (well, I used to and learned the hard way how bad that idea was and over a weekend with closed banks, it wasn’t pretty). I also like to make sure some is stored safely in case of an emergency.
The same goes for stuff, don’t carry expensive items (think camera equipment, etc) in a case with the logo showing or where it’s obvious you’re carrying expensive things. Basically it just means being conscious and aware of how others see you.
And it all goes back to using common sense, like not using an ATM late at night or counting money in front of large crowds of people.
Stay in touch with your friends and family back home. With social media now, it’s easy to keep them up to date with your daily whereabouts. It’s never a bad idea to have an emergency contact as well that knows how to best get in touch with you (or where you’re staying) while you’re away.
When you arrive wherever you happen to be staying, do a quick room check for safety and also be aware of the best route out in case of fire. If your little is extra curious, bring some duct tape to baby proof your hotel room and cover the electrical outlets (thankfully we haven’t had to take this step). We do however bring our sanitizing spray to give a quick disinfectant spritz on most surfaces.
Take a daily morning photo of your active child in what they’re wearing for the day and save it on your cell lock screen, so in the event that you lose your child (a fear that will hopefully never come to pass), you can show the picture to help find your little one again.
With just a few ways of looking out for each other and staying aware, you’re bound to stay safe while being adventurous as you travel. The Chicco Fit2 Infant and Toddler Car Seat is exclusively available from Babies“R”Us for $279.99.
Join me and Chicco in sharing the importance of keeping children rear-facing until at least age two by posting a photo of your little one riding rear-facing in the car on social media with #TurnAfter2!
Want to WIN one for yourself? Just enter our giveaway with Chicco below!!Chicco Fit2 Infant and Toddler Car Seat Giveaway (value at $279.99)
This post and giveaway are in partnership with Chicco. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the companies that make this blog possible.
Nicki J. says
I am currently using a graco snugride click connect for my 4 month old. It is okay- we got it because it received good safety ratings and was on sale. It isn’t fancy or anything though!
I currently use the Graco milestone! I love it because it is one seat from newborn to booster!
Debbie says
Awesome give away. Thanks for the chance. :0)
Jessica Peresta says
Thanks for these helpful travel tips!
Whitney Work it Mommy says
We are in the market for a new carseat for little man due in September! Man oh man- sooooo many choices. The one and done seat certainly is appealing!
Vicki @ Babies to Bookworms says
I love the tip about the photo opp! That is so smart, and hopefully something you won’t need, but would be so glad to have!
laura bernard says
we use a diono right now and love the slim fit!
Beth Minyard says
I’m not. My sister is currently pregnant, so this would be an awesome gift! Thank you 🙂
Wendy Browne says
We just upgraded from our Graco Keyfit30. I can’t remember the brand as it was a gift but it’s HUGE and wide with two cupholders which seems excessive. I would like a steel framed or higher end seat at some point. My adult daughter needs one in her car so we can take her little brother (19 year age gap) without the big deal of moving seats.
Brittany Pinheiro says
I have 4 boys. One is 7 and in a booster seat until August.
I have a newborn on the way and would love to enjoy this carseat.
Erica Pallutch says
We are! right now I have 2 Graco’s . The one I like was her car seat from the start and she is now almost 3 in the same seat. I do not care much for my almost 5 year old’s because it was not convertible! This car seat sounds wonderful for our next baby.
Melissa says
This is such an important post. Car seat safety is something that I don’t mess around with. We love our Chicco car seat. Thanks for sharing these tips.
Onyinye Elochukwu says
We are currently using a car seat which I don’t like. It tends to flip and almost tip over on its side when you go fast on a bend. I’ve tried adjusting it to no avail. Im fed up of having to put my hand behind when I’m driving to avoid it tipping.
Brenda Haines says
I do use a car seat and I like that it’s easy to remove from my car.
Christina A. says
No as my son is too old for one but my very sweet friend would sure love this so entering! Hope that is okay! 🙂
heather miller says
I am not as of right now, but will be in aug.
Nadia Martin says
[email protected]
Sharon says
My best first just had her first and she would really enjoy this wonderful seat!