“Do one thing every day that scares you.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s October folks, the month of scares and screams. The month that I have to turn my head at every other commercial, or rather, where I’m grateful for a DVR so I can just forward through them because they’re all just so gross and well, scary. Since it’s the month for us all to put on a little more brave in the morning, I thought it would be a perfect time for me to step into a few new things.
Lately, I’ve been putting on a gallant face about this move.
Did I mention we’re moving this month? Exhibit A:
And also, in the midst of it all, I’ve been working on growing and expanding this blog. It’s time for it to grow past me, beyond my own strengths and weaknesses, beyond my own time schedule and self imposed insecurities and put on a daring and adventurous face as I step out. This month I’m accepting and searching out new sponsors. This month I’m growing the blog by adding another voice to accentuate mine (yes, I’m still here and will be). This month I’m looking past what others say, many times over it’s good and sometimes it’s bad, to do what I’m passionate about.
So this month, and each day, I choose to do something that scares me. Friends, let’s be true, let’s do what we love, let’s make mistakes and learn, let’s laugh and cry and love big… till it hurts. Sometimes things will go well and as planned, many times they won’t. Sometimes we’ll get hurt, and other times we’ll gain something invaluable. And it’s all okay, let’s connect anyway, let’s take risks. Let’s do something great, let’s do something brave.
What is it that you’ve been waiting on? Take a step this month and do something scary. It’s the perfect month to face fear… let’s be brave, together.
Today, I’m welcoming another voice to this blog, a sweet soul who’s doing something brave and stepping up with me, our new weekly contributor and my friend, Autumn Kinsey.
The following post by contributor: Autumn Kinsey is a military wife that finds beauty and joy in unexpected places… and in lists. After living all around the country, she now lives near the Gulf Coast in Florida with her husband (when he’s home) and their son Max and in her spare time whips up delicious meals and budgets (dubbed the budgeting guru).
It’s been a crazy few days around here.
My ever-so-sweet Coast Guard Cutterman husband has had multiple changes to his already confusing work schedule, so life has been extra interesting and kept me on my toes this week. This poses many challenges in my slightly type-A and just-a-touch OCD personality:
Routine // I love being a stay at home Mom, but I definitely have a routine and certain plans every day. It keeps me sane. I continually work on being flexible, but I’m not super good at it. Yet.
Budget // I’m a budgeter. I know. I’m a freak, but I enjoy it and I’m good at it. An unexpected schedule change always messes with the budget because I couldn’t plan for it. Frustrating! But I suppose that IS what the “miscellaneous” column is for. Someday I will give up hope of saving that column every month. I’m sure it will be liberating.
Meal planning // I’m a regular meal planner, but since it’s just 2.5 of us in the house, meals look significantly different when my husband is gone. And nothing irks me more than “wasting” a great meal on myself (especially if I will now have to eat it for 3 days straight and get so sick of it that I don’t want to make it again for 6 months). We don’t make the little one special meals, however, he doesn’t quite have the palate to truly appreciate a Kahlua pork burrito bowl or balsamic glazed chicken that took me an hour to prepare.
Fitness // This kind of falls under the “routine” heading, but I felt it deserved it’s own mention. I am continually trying to be healthier and if I don’t work out, I feel it- both physically and mentally. I usually figure out my plan for the week on Sunday or Monday and I don’t like to deviate or I lose momentum. Consider my momentum lost this week. At least I got some tennis in!
Plans // I try to have extra plans when the husband is out and about, just to keep myself sane and get some adult interaction. I also hate appearing like a flake and cancelling on my friends last minute, so it’s a little irritating to me when something out of my control forces that to happen. The good news is that I have awesome friends who completely understand and never hold it against me. I think.
These are just a few of my passions. I know they are quirky and wide-ranged, but they are genuine. I’m so excited to be a part of FreshMommy and add it to my list of loves. It’s another challenge to add to my list, but it’s going to be great.
Welcome to my life. I hope you like it as much as I do. Or maybe just a little less, so it’s not weird for us.
P.S. I’m also hoping to absorb some of Tabitha’s amazing style. I’ll keep you updated.
Adrienne says
Very exciting! And I’ve felt you flexing those blog muscles of yours. You know I love this space, and everything you bring to it! Such fun to have a ‘partner in crime’…and with such and awesome name! Hi Autumn…you’ll get used to me, I leave comments. Often. Can’t wait to learn about the tricks and tips you have up your sleeve! Not that it’s my place, but welcome! Now…to think of a scary step or two that I can take this month……
Tabitha Blue says
Adrienne, I’m always so blessed and touched by your encouragement! Thank you for being here! Thank you for your words. I can’t wait to see where this month takes us 🙂
Autumn Kinsey says
As you can see, I’m new… Since I missed the whole “reply” button and all. 🙂
Autumn Kinsey says
Hi Adrienne! I always welcome comments! I’m hoping I have a few new tricks for you, but we’ll have to see. 🙂
Briony Skerjance says
So excited for the two of you! I know this is going to be a great adventure for you 🙂
Autumn Kinsey says
Thanks, Briony! (Good news, I look to be learning quickly as I remembered the “reply” button:)
Susi says
This is very exciting. There are definitely a few “scary” things I can think of that I want to tackle.