What should you do when you have a lapse in your workout routine?
I’m getting back to exercising after the baby, but we all have times when working out goes by the wayside. Whether it’s vacation, the holidays, or just plain life getting in the way, it happens. And eventually the need to get back to the grind returns. How do you go about getting back in the habit?
I normally just dive in… And then I’m super sore and realize I need to slow down! So this time I’ve decided that I’m going to be smart about it. I’ve set up a 4 week plan for myself and I want to share the FMB 4 Week Workout with you so we can get back to it together!
My husband and I spent a VERY romantic evening mapping out this 4 week plan. I had been consistently running for about 6-8 months before I got pregnant, so I wanted the plan to start out with running. Plus, I’m pretty sure that an hour of anything would make me regret heading back to the gym! The first week is 35 minutes of walking/running and includes a 5 minute cool down. Week 2 builds on week 1 and by week 3, I’m planning on incorporating a one hour class into my week. Week 4 will bring in some core work.
Now, keeping in mind that there will be some body adjustment and soreness, this plan should allow me to keep on a schedule beginning Monday. Since I’m starting relatively slow, I shouldn’t end up so sore that I have to take a week off to recover. I’m really motivated to stick to this plan and I will keep you updated!
Time to lace up and resurrect my workout!
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