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That’s right… and Aliyah is going to be a big sister!! ย
After some time of eating crackers for breakfast, and really wanting (though not necessarily getting) afternoon naps, I thought it was time to take a test. ย I just have to point out, that I love these kind of tests, you know, the kinds that are easy to take, and you can sometimes get the very best results!
happy pregnancy!!!!
excited for you.
and happy fourth of july indeed!
~EssenseVibez~ says
Sarah says
Oh Yay!! Congrats to you!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!!1
Call Me Cate says
Woohoo, congratulations!
[email protected] says
Congrats ๐ that is so exciting!
Blessedbymany says
CONGRATS TO YOU ALL;-] Look forward to seeing belly photos!!! Due date figured out yet???
Love you much…
Love Notes says
congrats congrats congrats!!! Sending you all the best vibes!!! I am so excited for your little family what a joyous time this is for all of you.
Yaya says
Amy says
Yay for you! Congrats ๐
antoinette marie says
i’m so completely happy and excited for you all…..God’s timing is always the best timing! stay healthy and have a fabulous holiday weekend….no overdoing it! also congrats on becoming a great-aunt soon! babies, babies, and more babies…yeah! blessings…
Pineapple Princess says
What a fun way to announce it to us!
Lynn says
Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out says
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
Shannon says
YAY! I’m so excited for you guys!
And the really weird thing is… I wanted to email you a couple days ago to ask what the status is on having another kiddo (since I’m a fertility ‘expert’ and all)!
Danielle says
Tabitha, Congratulations!! I hope this is an exciting time for you and a wanted pregnancy. How exciting, next spring you will have a new little one! My baby is 8 months old now and he is not so little!
Stephanie says
That is so very exciting!!! Congratulations and good luck to you!!
Nerdy Jess says
โฅ Boomer โฅ says
I must be crazy! I thought you had told us already?! Maybe I’m psychic?? That would rock!
You need to take good care of yourself, including naps!!
By the way, I am ready for Sunday Citar…didn’t think I’d be able to this weekend, but snuck in a little computer tie this afternoon, and it’s ready. ๐
Southern says
Congrats to you! What a cute post!
Whimsical Creations says
WOOT WOOT!!! Congrats to you!!!
elk says
blessings `this is wonderful news1
Simply Stork says
how wonderful…
Kelly says
congratulations, Tabitha! i wish you all the best during your pregnancy! are you craving burritos yet?!?
Briony says
i’m excited to see you a full bloom preggers ๐
Crystal Rae says
Wooo hooo…. I think Aliyah will get really excited when you start blooming there. ๐
ALVN of WhisperWood Cottage and Junkologie says
Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news!
Heather Marie says
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
I am so excited for y’all!! ๐ ๐
Melinda says
Wahoo!!! How exciting!!
Sara says
Awwww… how fun!! Yea! Congrats!
Caroline says
How exciting! Congrats!!!
BeckeyZ says
Awesome news. Take care of yourself and that beanie baby you’re growing.
Hugs all around!!!
Pam says
Congrats! What wonderful news that is.
Brittany says
Congratulations and BIG hugs! ๐
sunnyme says
Congratulations!! Aliyah will be very excited to be a big sister soon!
Charlotte (Life's a Charm!) says
wow congratulations!
lizcooper says
WOO HOO!! Congratulations!!!
achie paramita says
Dr. Wifey says
congrats!!! i am very happy for you ๐
April says
WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! What fantastic news ๐ YAY!
AnnD says
Just wanted to drop another note of congrats and to wish you a happy and healthy nine months!!!
robin says
Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!!
Muthering Heights and Other Senseless Sensibility says
Congratulations Tabitha! That’s so exciting!!!
Aunt Spicy says
Yahoo for you guys! That is so super exciting!
Chris says
congratulations ๐
Alpaca Farmgirl says
Congratulations! I know how happy this must make you. Eat a saltine for me. ๐
Celeste says
What a wonderful test result!
Michelle says
Congratulations! Where should we send the order of Saltines? ๐
aforestfrolic says
Yay for fresh Babies…CONGRATS!! I’m so excited for you guys and know we are going to be seeing some fun pregnancy pictures of that cute belly right? ๐
Jamie ๐
Tooj says
Congrats. ๐ Just hearing others say this….give this news…makes me feel nervous and fluttery inside. And then I realize…with a sigh…it’s YOU. Not me. LOL I wish you all the best, and look forward to more news.
Janna Bee says
Congratulations! How exciting!
Halftime Lessons says
Way to go, Blue!!
Dawn says
wow! Congrats Tabitha. How special and truly wonderful. Here’s to feeling better.
Drama queens mum (Kimberly) says
Congrats on being preg. You must be excited.
Kat says
ok I’m a little late – but CONGRATULATIONS!
Hope you have a wonderful and event free pregnancy and a very happy and healthy baby brother or sister for Aliyah. I’m sure she will be a great big sister!
Prasti says
oh my gosh! how did i miss this post?!? congratulations!!!! praying for a healthy pregnancy.
enjoy those crackers ๐
mommaof4wife2r says
you can’t hear me…but i’m screaming with delight! wooo hoooooooo!
Live.Love.Eat says
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO ecstatic for you! Such wonderful news. Congrats to you and yours.
Ronnica says
Congrats! And enjoy those crackers–as much as you can–for what they mean!
traci says
YEA!!!! congratulations. so excited for you.
T~T says
MANY Congrats to you and your hubbie
G. says
Congratulations!!! All the best to you. Hope you are feeling well soon!
EL at Through My Own Lens says
Congrats! Hope you’re feeling better soon!!!
Karin says
OH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I’m so very happy for you!!
Momma Chae says
YAY!!! congratulations! There is NOTHING as exciting and “christmasy” feeling as being pregnant. ๐
Sarah @ says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry it took me so long to stop by and find out, but I’m very very excited for you!!! YAY!)
Gerri says
Whoo Hoo, honey. Sorry, I am so late on the ball…, vacations, vacations.
Whoooo Hooooo!!!!!
Jaina says
That’s SO exciting!!! Congratulations!!!!
Tabitha (From Single to Married) says
many, many, many congrats to you!! I’m so excited for you and your family! ๐
Blissful Babe says
I hate that I wasn’t able to be here 3 weeks ago to hear the news! GAH!
But I am THRILLED beyond measure!!
Many blessings to the Blues!!
Sara Bonds says
How very exciting. Congratulations!