So, I mentioned before about the adorable recital put on by my daughter’s daycare… her school, as she calls it. And it really is. She learns so much.
The recital was in Spanish, BY THE WAY. Did I mention that?
It was a total treat.
The first song included the use of maracas. I don’t know if you can tell by this photo or not, but my daughter really gets into whatever it is she’s doing. The hand movements, the maraca shaking, the singing-quite-loudly-so-that-her-baby-brother-on-the-front-row-can-hear-her… she’s into it. Into it all.
She’s also quite expressive. I have no idea what’s going on here, actually.
Or here. I’m still not sure of what was happening. But she’s expressing something, that’s for sure.
The kids sang a Spanish rendition of “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”
It was lovely.
I could watch these kids shuffle, fidget, sing and move all day.
My favorite part. The pride as they walk off the stage. A job well done.
Her poses make me smile.
Victoria. {TheYummyMummySecrets} says
Omg that is soo cuteee.
She looks so happy & so totally into it too.
Crystal Rae says
She is very expressive with her body and facial expressions. 😛
Cascia says
She is adorable. I bet you really enjoyed her show.
☼¨`*•.♥Rocío♥.•*¨`☼ says
aww love her sweet face!!
Jaina says
I seriously just want to squeeze her, she is so adorable! I love her expressions. 🙂
bekkah says
So, sweet! Looks like they had a GREAT set-up for the recital…the kids must have loved it 🙂 They get so big so FAST…
Gerri says
I L O V E that third shot of her, love it!