Today is a day of reunion, a day to see my family again, a day to take care of things at home. It’s also a day to take care of things in this home of a blog. As for winning…
Sunday Citar
Citar = Quote (in Spanish) “You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just…
Fab Friday Finds
I couldn’t be happier when I received this unique custom made onesie for a very special little baby (whose name I can’t disclose yet… edited to add *and since you’re now wondering, I’m not pregnant*). A mommy owned and operated…
Is That Really a Tail??
Doesn’t looking at cute little baby faces like this make your ovaries jump and you feel like you just might start lactating? Well, I guess if you’re a man reading this, you wouldn’t feel that way… and just about now…
Wordless Wednesday:: the eye says it all
For more Wordless Wednesday go here and here.
days of fall:: 27
Good night day. Yesterday, actually. It was the end of a fulfilling day. Our family at church, then a relaxed dinner out with family and friends. The evening greeted us with more gifts from the pumpkin and more faces…