Citar = Quote (in Spanish) “The saddest things we fail at are fun things we fail to do, so in your busy day, be sure to plan some fun things too.” ~Wes Fessler “You can discover more about a person…
Self Esteem Saturday, the First Edition
Sitting next to the love of my life… it’s a perfect moment to answer the question: “How do I boost his self-esteem?” With him, the answer is pretty easy, because he’s TOLD me. When we were first married, he…
days of fall:: 26
The time had finally come. The costume was on and fit perfectly, the bag was painted with her name, the weather was delightful and we could set off to Trick or Treat. This happened to be my first time, as…
days of fall:: 25
What to do when you feel have a toddler that likes to put everything in their mouth, and you want to play with playdough… make some of the edible variety. The evening began to unveil a very creative flair. Making…
Wordless Wednesday
For more Wordless Wednesday go HERE and HERE.
days of fall:: 24
Autumn walks. The morning was a bit to chilly to enjoy a trip outdoors. The frost had settled overnight like a soft blanket covering the neighborhood. By afternoon, the sunshine had gently warmed the yard, making a perfect stomping…