I thought we already kicked winter off our lawn, but I guess it had other plans.
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I thought we already kicked winter off our lawn, but I guess it had other plans.
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Visit Wordless Wednesday, Supermom and 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesday.
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PippaD says
It’s okay… it’s going away again soon… honest!
Martha Z says
Spring has been postponed.
Gerri says
Ohhh…tell me about it!
Alicia says
Wow! You still have snow????
Jessica Heights says
Yikes!! I hope you’re back to warm sunny days soon! 🙂
Ashlee says
Umm Yeah. I say we go on strike! However, that would require signs and being outside..and I’d really rather stay in right now haha
Did you take this with your new Camera?
Beth F says
We have snow too. Sigh. Nice job with the colors.
septembermom says
We have snow here today too in NY! Cute picture 🙂
antoinette marie says
great idea for a post….poopy circumstances, lol!
Alysha (Supermom) says
precious picture Tabitha!!! I can’t believe you guys are having snow right now. This weather is so weird. Hope you guys get some warmer weather soon.
xoxo, Alysha
ps sorry I haven’t emailed you about the advertising stuff. I have been silly busy lately and can’t find time to do anything. I promise to get to you soon.
April says
Ahhh winter, please leave and let spring have a turn.
Jennifer Bowen says
Nice shot! Here’s to hoping you get some of our good weather from Germany. Just don’t take it all! =)
withoutadornment says
Winter has done the same thing to us – I guess it’s less surprising as I live in Canada, but still. I do find it rather entertaining that winter has come back, especially after hearing someone I know talk about how they but all their winter stuff away last week only to have to dig it out a few days later.
jennykate77 says
NO snow! I don’t want any more. I’m done. I only want spring/summer weather for the next 7 months.
Cute pic, though! 🙂
LucidLotus says
Hey Winter,
This town ain’t big enough for the both of us.
Courtney says
I know, its awful. We had cold rain today and snow expected tomorrow!! Just remember ‘this to shall pass’, well at least for 6 months!
Ray says
I know! I was so annoyed that we got so much snow again. 🙁
Laura says
It’s supposed to snow here today, too. Boo. I’m ready for nice weather!
tracy says
i thought for sure we were well on our way to summer already here (in thailand) but after the recent earthquakes (japan, burma, burma, and japan again), our weather has gone all wacky and we’ve somehow gone back to winter as well. 🙁