Have you ever caught yourself thinking – well, once I get through this, then I’ll have time to focus on ‘insert blank here’?
Life has thrown some serious curveballs our way lately; in the span of just two weeks, our state has had not one but two hurricanes, the latest of which has led us to have to evacuate from our home.
Sometimes it has felt like we are just surviving, but the situation has led me to reflect on how we approach challenges, and the powerful mindset shifts we have at our disposal to help us move through these challenges with more strength, resilience and grace, leading us to thrive, rather than merely just survive.
Instead of waiting for life to feel easier or waiting to get past a particular obstacle, we can shift our thinking and learn how to handle the ‘hard’ better. In today’s episode, I dive into practical ways that you can achieve this mindset shift:
- Learn to embrace where you’re at, and realise that there is growth and beauty to be found in every season.
- Set small, bitesize goals that you can still aim for even in the midst of chaos. Progress doesn’t have to be huge or fast, but you can be consistent with what you set your mind to.
- Find joy in the journey by intentionally looking for moments, even if it’s the small simple things like that first sip of coffee in the morning or a shared laugh with a loved one.
- Handling hard better doesn’t mean pushing to the point of burnout – take a moment for yourself, breathe and look after your own wellbeing.
Just like a plant blooming from rocky soil, we too can grow and bloom when times are hard. That challenge in front of you isn’t something you just have to survive – instead, it’s an opportunity for you to thrive.
If you’ve enjoyed today’s episode, there are many more Radiant Womanhood episodes for you to enjoy. Make sure you hit the ‘+Follow’ button on your favourite podcast App, and follow @radiantwomanhood and @tabithablue on Instagram to make sure you never miss an episode.
And if you know of another woman in your life who would love this episode, share the link with her and spread the love!
Related episode:
- Listen to Episode 22 – Dr. Francesca Le Blanc on How To Hack Your Hormones To Better Health, And Get Rid Of Brain Fog, Fatigue and Belly Fat!
Connect with Tabitha:
- Have any questions for me or want to chat? Connect with me on Instagram at @radiantwomanhood or @tabithablue
- Check out my TikTok at @tabitha.blue
- Download my planning worksheets to help organize your life
- Download my *free* gratitude journal
- Check out my blog, the Fresh Mommy Blog
- Use my discount code FRESHMOMMY at Better Greens
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