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Disclaimer:: This week’s maternity series photo is quite a bit different than usual. With my camera in the shop, and armed with a trusty point-and-shoot with just the dim lighting in my hotel room, it makes for a different type of picture.
To my little tumbler,
You’re now about 16 inches long and weigh close to 3 pounds! I’m starting to really feel your size and sleep in a cacoon of pillows to stay comfortable. I am constantly stopping by the restroom, and it’s actually a little comical. We are in the final stretch and everything just feels like it’s coming so quickly and so soon. Right now, you and I are in Los Angeles, on my final trip before having you. The day I fly home is the last day I am officially allowed to travel with you until your birth. While here, we get to go to a great fabric store called Mood to pick out some materials for your room. Then I really do feel like we’ll need to quickly finish putting it all together. I know you’re getting excited to meet everyone, whenever I talk to your daddy or your sister, you start dancing around in utero. Every time I see a baby, I get excited about meeting you holding you, rocking you and loving you! Not too much longer now.
mum/toddler/babe says
You are looking fabulous! All the best in the last few months until you meet your little one. xo
Kathryn says
Great pic! Your looking good as always. Hope you get some down/rest time as well as work. Love you lots!!
Life with Kaishon says
You are stunning. Even in iffy lighting and shot with a point and shoot.
Chanin says
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love your blog and your photography!! I will be back!! 🙂
Silverwinds Photography says
Seriously you look fabu!!! So tiny too! My poor SIL was huge by now..she looked like she was carrying twins… Have a great travel week I will be thinking about you and hoping for smooth travels home… I am sure you miss your lil family!
Ashlee@fatmomblog says
You look great regardless of the lighting.
Caitlin says
Pregnancy really suits you! You’re looking beautiful!!
karin says
wow, you really do look great! i am 20weeks pregnant (half way there) and just starting to feel my little monster move! your blog is a great read as it obviously hits home… oh and don’t mention the restroom, please!? i drove to my folks last week – about 400km and had to stop in EVERY town – what a shocker! i have added you to my blog – not my pregnancy blog (that ones private), but jut a general blog of photography and ramblings… good luck though, ill be back to check out your progress! k
yay! you’re very close, aren’t you! 🙂 congrats!
Prasti says
hooray! it’s getting close! love your outfit 🙂
blueviolet says
You look so stylish and pretty! Any time now!!
Tracy says
Ooh! How much longer are you in LA? Enjoying our rainey day today?
You look fabulous!
Tooj says
Not too much longer at all. 🙂 Enjoy the final stages…bathroom visits and all.
Jaina says
Aww, so close to me! I love this week’s series as well. Beautiful photos! I can’t believe you are so close to delivery! It seems like you just shared the good news with us! Have a safe trip home
Jasmine says
Eeek! How exciting!
jennykate77 says
GORGEOUS!!! I don’t care if it’s taken with a point and shoot and bad lighting…you look beautiful!
mommaof4wife2r says
cuter and cuter every week!
nuts says
you’re so fab! one sexy pregnant lady..
Jasmine says
Ooooh believe it sister! And sometimes when I call my husband a racist… he replies, “I am not a racist! I married you, I even bred with you… no go fix me a drink woman slave!”
LoL. He is truly not a racist- he just plays one on TV 😉
Mighty M says
Still a great entry to your series, you will always remember the week (or weeks) the camera was in the shop! 🙂
Casey's trio says
You are such a beautiful pregnant woman…makin’ it look easy! Hope all your “nesting” instincts are fulfilled before the baby comes:)
[email protected] says
Beautiful! And we can’t wait to see him too!