This post sharing our family morning routine in sponsored by Tom’s of Maine. #NatureUp
I love getting a look at how others manage their time, schedules and especially the day-to-day… and even more with a large family. If you’ve been reading here for awhile you know that I’m big on routines, like when I shared this post 7 Steps that Will Radically Change Your Mornings, knowing that a good family morning routine can really set you up for a successful day.
Even though our schedules actually change almost on the daily, we try to keep our mornings fairly consistent and even those times we veer off for a bit, we always make our way back… because there’s just something about a solid family morning routine to start the day! We even have the ultimate morning routine worksheet to really make yours work for you!
I’m not the only one who thinks mornings are important, in fact, research shows that the first 2-3 hours of our day are the most powerful since our natural morning cortisol surge gives us a shot of extra energy first thing. When we capitalize on that as a start for our day, it helps us to continue making good choices throughout the day as well!
So, today I’m sharing a little look at our mornings and the behind-the-scenes breakdown of how our AM typically goes. And of course, Chris and I take turns with different morning appointments or meetings that come up, travel, and changes in sleep schedule do effect our schedules, but this is just what a normal morning at home looks like.
Now, I truly believe that a good morning routine actually begins the night before, but oh, you guys, that’s opening up a whole different can of worms and would be too much for one post.
Well, let’s get to it shall we?!
Table of Contents
Okay, so I’m going to be completely transparent here, I’m the total advocate for a great morning routine (just see all of the paragraphs above), and you guys, I’m still finding that perfect number for me. My wake up time fluctuates, usually by the workload I have on my plate at the time. For awhile, I was getting up EARLY (like somewhere between 4am and 5:30am) on random days that I had a really large list of deadlines to get a headstart while the family still slept.
While I still have this option and liked its effectiveness, I’ve just recently been setting my goal at 7-8 hours of sleep a night to focus more on self care (and especially now that Aria is finally sleeping through the night, when we’re not traveling that is). With this change, it means my wake-up time is slightly adjusted as well, since I can’t get to bed at 7pm. Though some days I wouldn’t mind!! #oldsoul
I’ve been experimenting and so far it seems like the best compromise for me is somewhere around 6am to get a slight head start on the day.
I take this time to wake up at a slower pace, wash my face, stretch or light exercise, read, get my vitamins and brew some coffee, etc.
Aria is usually the first up of our kids and if left to wake on her own, it ranges from 6am to 7am. Now, if it’s earlier and I’m still in bed, sometimes she’ll curl up with me and fall back asleep… making it really hard for any of us to get up!
We’re working to get all the kids woken by around this time and they usually like to come to the living room to slowly stretch themselves fully awake in the comfort of blankets.
Then we get to the tasks at hand. We’ve started a morning chore of emptying the dishwasher from the night before, and if for some reason we don’t get to the dishes at night (it happens), then we wash and dry together while making breakfast. And by we, I mean the kids. π Typically, I’ll get a load of laundry started at this time as well; we’ve totally found that keeping up with a load each day keeps us from having a mountain of it on the weekends!
Around this time we’re all hungry and grumbly and ready to eat. A morning meal planner has changed our life and made breakfast time SO much easier. We usually try to get a breakfast of eggs in the rotation (Aria and Skylar love eggs!), but my kids also eat up oatmeal, smoothies, cereal and fruit with yogurt.
While Skylar is in preschool this year nearby, Aliyah and Brayden are homeschooling this year and in it we started reading the book The Ology. We’ve actually liked reading it as a family and now Chris usually reads one of the short chapters at the table so we all get a chance to talk about it (and a host of so many other things!) together.
Just like at dinner time, everyone pitches in to cleanup after a meal. Since our home is our office and school room (to half our kids anyway), we don’t want to go into the day with a mess, so cleanup happens quickly before we finish getting ready for the day.
Our kids are all (with the exception of Aria) really great about getting themselves dressed in the morning. It’s the hair and teeth brushing part we’re still working on… they do it, but usually it’s once I remind them that it’s part of getting ready EVERY morning.
Currently we’re trying a checklist on our chalkboard, so we’ll see if that helps a bit!
We’ve also been making simple changes to our days to create an even bigger impact in our life. Tom’s of Maine is a brand that we’ve used and trusted for a long time now, but we’re making more conscious decisions to go natural in our personal care routines, which is just what their #NatureUp campaign is all about… helping busy families round out their wellness routine.
The kids are loving using the Silly Strawberry and the Outrageous Orange Mango flavors of toothepaste, and Chris and I have been using the deodorants (especially when we travel, so easy to pack!). We also just started our two older kids on their deodorant for children… it’s a good time for them to learn to add that into their morning personal routine.
Tom’s even has a sweepstakes for $275 worth of video classes through the mindbodygreen online portal to revitalize the way you eat, move and live!
Another great thing for busy families, while you’re picking up groceries at your local Sprouts Farmers Market, you can find a large range of Tom’s products too! Download the app for coupons and get a $1 off coupon on Tom’s products through 2/8/18!
About this time, we’ve already headed out the door if we’re walking Skylar to school, or we’re yelling for someone to find their shoe! Depending on how we’ve scheduled our day for meetings, etc. Chris and I will take turns taking Skylar to school and working from home to get the older ones started on their day of schooling.
When we’re up on time and not running behind, the mornings can be some of the sweetest times with family. Kids are all fresh and lively and ready for the day… and if mama get’s off to a good start with her own routine and not feeling behind, we just all feed off of each other for a deliciously energetic time together.
Amy says
Love all the sweet family photos
Rachel Simmonds says
Great post! I love your photos and your family is beautiful! Thank you for the coupons – Iβll be sure to use them!
Sarah Harris | says
What relaxing morning rituals! The only day that even comes close to looking like that in our house is Saturday morning but we usually are up and running pretty quickly thanks to kid sports and having to be at the field 1 hour earlier. I’ll have to make it my goal to somehow make one weekend morning look a bit more like this for all of our sanity. Great choice on Products, Tom’s is a company I trust!
Aria | Blogs by Aria says
the morning routine is the hardest to get down and I feel like I was better about it when my kids were babies than I am with a 9 and 12 year old lol. thanks for sharing yours with us.
Jennifer Maune | Maune Legacy says
Awe, what a cute family! I love the idea of getting up just a tad bit early to start yourself off on the right foot. All about that self-care!
Tabitha Blue says
It really makes SUCH a difference!
Shannon says
Once upon a time I could get up before the kids and start my day… Y’alls morning subs so well organized.
Tabitha Blue says
Oh my goodness, girl! I hear you! My babes wear me out and I used to be able to get up so much easier!
Tamara Goyette says
Our morning routine is a total gong show during the school week, but the weekends are more laid back like this and I love it.
Tabitha Blue says
Oh yes!!! School mornings can be the hardest! Thankfully ours doesn’t have to be at school until 9am, so we have a little time together in the morning.
Carmela says
Great tips! Your photos are so bright, sunshiny, and inspiring! Thanks for sharing. Beautiful family!
Tabitha Blue says
It’s so much easier to get up and around on a bright, sunshiny day right?! π
Joanna Clute says
I cringe looking at how early you get up. However, being a mom to twins, I totally get it. It’s a must and you start to get used to it.
Tabitha Blue says
Right?! I was never a morning person or a naturally early riser. I do best with eight hours of sleep, but that’s hard to come by with four littles. Working on my early to bed and early to rise routine, because that ends up being better for us all.
Isadora Guidoni says
I’m also an advocate for a great morning routine, and that’s why I love these kinds of posts. Thank you so much for sharing the details!
Holly says
Love the photos…and the routine!!
Tabitha Blue says
Thank you so much!
Erin says
Great tips on morning routine! I try so hard to wake up early but itβs so hard for me!
Justine @ Little Dove says
It sounds like you guys have a great routine down, and I totally agree that a successful morning starts the night before!
Lesly says
You have a beautiful home and I love your morning routine! I agree it’s important to have a schedule to try and stick too. It keeps us moving, keeps us motivated and as mothers – it helps our sanity!
[email protected] says
These are all great tips and I love that the photos are so natural! Love Tom’s products too!!
Claudia Krusch says
Love how you shared beautiful unfiltered pictures of your morning routine! Ours is similar, but my son is older, so I have a lot less to do when it comes to morning time!
Gail Akeman says
great to have a morning routine
Julie says
Love this post! There are times my girls love to help me make a meal. I love those special moments together.
Brandi Michel | says
I love the Tom’s products! We use the deodorant and toothpaste! I will definitely check out the Baby line for my little boy! Thanks for sharing your recommendations and your sweet family pictures! π
Tabitha Blue says
Oh, the baby line smells so good!
Amanda says
Love reading about your morning routine! I try and wake before my daughter to get in exercise and some “me” time. It doesn’t always happen though!
Tabitha Blue says
I like to make it happen, but doesn’t always happen here either. I love those slow morning cuddles and Sleep just about as much! ha.
Leila says
I always enjoy your photos! love your routine. I tend to have slow start too.
Tabitha Blue says
So sweet of you Leila! Thank you!
Keating | says
I love seeing others’ morning routines! I don’t know why. I’m just super nosy that way haha our little one normally wakes up around 5am and then crawls into bed with us until sometime between 6 and 7am before we wake up for the day. I love those early morning cuddles so much! And we always make it a priority to have breakfast together as a family when my husband’s home. Mornings with little ones are so much fun!
Tabitha Blue says
Oh girl me too!!!! I like to see how others do it π I just love those morning cuddles, the best!