Each night after dinner we take a couple of minutes and go through the chart with her to see how she’s done in each area. She’s always excited about this part and has really been honest in assessing her own work. For each area she’s shown progress, she receives that colored sticker. I think this is reward in itself, it’s amazing how ecstatic three year olds can get over stickers.
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We have a few things we’re working on with Aliyah before the baby arrives. Because really, who needs two crying babies when you live in the frigid temperatures of Michigan and you’re trying to get coats, scarves, hats, mittens, and boots on just to get in the car. Aliyah has had her fill of the cold, and the bundling up thing, and doesn’t much like to cooperate with the whole LETS TRY AND TAKE LESS THAN 10 MINUTES TO GET OUR COATS ON TODAY BECA– USE MOMMY IS RUNNING LATE AGAIN, thing. Maybe I’m the one that needs to work on a few things.
While I work on my timing, Aliyah is working on getting herself ready to get out the door, without whining.
And so, the Behavior Chart was born.
We pulled out stickers and crayons, and Aliyah got to work decorating her chart and writing her name in at the bottom. So far, so good. She was excited.
The great part about this chart is the self-evaluation. While Chris and I gave her ideas and encouragement, Aliyah is the one who decided what five personal goals she wanted to work on this month. Each area received it’s own color, and coordinating sticker. We then wrote down some great rewards that she could earn on the back of the chart. Some rewards are as simple as a trip to the bookstore or getting to read an extra book at bedtime.
So far, so good. She’s still excited.
Because Aliyah is three, and because my patience is about at her age level sometimes, we tally up her stickers at the end of each week and she trades those in for some things off the wish list. If she were older, we’d do this at the end of each month. Maybe. Probably. If I could handle it.
If you’d like to download the Behavior Chart I created just click here. You can write in the month at the top, fill in the dates with your kids, and then let the decoration and progress begin!
Erin, Nick and Merrick says
100% borrowing this idea.
Stacey says
What a GREAT idea! I think my little guy will be all about this. Definitely borrowing, as well. 🙂
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
What a great idea 🙂
Hair Bows & Guitar Picks says
What a great idea 🙂
Pam says
Great idea.
Aleta says
If I had children, I’d so borrow this idea. How cool! I love that SHE is in control of it, thus making it a fun thing and not a punishment. It’s productive instead of demeaning. Love it!
Jaina says
This is awesome! I think putting behavior into their hands is a smart way to go. I am starring this to remember for the future when I have to handle this kind of thing.
Prasti says
i’m glad i’m not the only challenged with this whole bundling up and getting out the door issue ;).
i love the proud smile aliyah has after she completed her chart. my nephew has a similar chart that he uses and it has helped him and the parents a lot :). we’ve got a similar one for sleep time rules, but it’s to the point now where emma doesn’t care whether she gets a sticker or not :(. i think i need to try something else, or accept the fact that there are some afternoons that she will not be taking naps. i’m working on creating a responsibility/chore chart with her with the same self-evaluation/sticker approach. we’ll see how that goes!
Mama Zen says
I think that I need a behavior chart for me!
septembermom says
That is an idea that I need to implement! Thanks!
Jaden Paige says
Awesome idea!! Thank you for the link, I am so going RIGHT NOW to print that for Illy bean! 🙂
Corey~living and loving says
you are right on track with this. her being in charge of the behaviors, the self evaluation. All so very wonderful. thumbs up!
Brittany says
Love this idea!
I had a similar chart as a kid, and the stickers were the reward! Now, if I could only find a way to motivate me to make MY bed as an adult…
great idea! look how proud she is. 🙂 cute.
Kelly says
The whole time I was reading this post, I was just hoping you’d have a link to this awesome behavior chart! We’ve used one in the past with Owen, but I’ve never really liked the ones I’ve had. Ummmm…ya…gonna steal this one from you!!! Thanks a bunch!
Marka says
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make everything run much smoother. Here’s to more progress!
April says
that is some seriously impressive coloring for her age!
Crystal Rae says
That is a great idea. Plus it gives her something to be proud of. Go aliyah!
Melissa says
Great idea! Thanks so much for sharing the chart. I will be downloading and printing it tonight! 🙂
Gerri says
Good for her and you guys!
Life with Kaishon says
I wish I had a three year old so I could utilize this : ). Such a wonderful idea. I know this might be silly, but I actually MISS doing things like that with Kaish. I miss having a little child around. Big is fun and exciting…but so independent!
Live.Love.Eat says
This is definitely timely because I was looking for a behavior chart to start with Tristan. Thanks!!!!!
Jamie says
What a great idea, Tab! It’s so wonderful to see all the magnficent changes in your life since we were magazine buddies!!!!! You have become such a wonderful woman, mother, wife…..I’m very proud of you and you truly are an inspiration!!