Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of negativity where everything seems to be going wrong? What if I told you that you’re not just noticing more bad things, but you’re actually inviting them into your life.
Like attracts like and when we get stuck in these negative cycles, it can swifty snowball and derail our sleep, health and happiness. But it also works both ways – and by changing your mindset and inviting more gratitude into your life, you can flip these negative cycles into positive ones, bringing you a constant flow of blessings, joy and abundance.
In today’s episode, I’m sharing why gratitude is so much more than just a fleeting emotion or a nice idea – it’s a powerful force capable of rewiring your brain, shifting your energy, and transforming your reality. Plus, I’ll be sharing practical tools that turn gratitude into a daily practice.
Table of Contents
In this episode, I discuss:
- How the garden of your life reflects what you nurture in it. Every thought you have – whether it’s a negative complaint or a positive moment of gratitude – takes root and grows. Repeated complaining is like planting weeds in your life, whereas repetitive gratitude is planting flowers.
- The science behind gratitude and how it can physically change your brain. Neuroscientists have found that when we express gratitude our brain releases the happy hormones of dopamine and serotonin, which enhance our mood and improves our ability to focus and feel calm, and due to neuroplasticity, repeating this means that over time, repeated gratitude will help us become more optimistic and resilient.
- How to actually shift from complaining about things to gratitude, including the crucial first step of recognising when you fall victim to complaints and negativity and sometimes even writing them down can help you to see just how much negative thoughts may be dominating your perception of reality
- The next step is to flip it and reframe the complaint into gratitude – for example, if I find myself complaining about how many dishes I have to clean up or how messy the kitchen is, I can flip that into gratitude by feeling how grateful I am to have food in my house and a healthy family to feed. This powerful practice retrains your brain to see the positive.
- Other ways to invite more gratitude into your life is by journaling, or having a little gratitude jar each of your family can contribute to, or making a note in your phone of three things you are grateful for each day – even if it’s as small as your morning sip of hot coffee! You can also express gratitude to someone else – telling someone you appreciate them, sending a quick text or leaving a note to make their day.
Practicing gratitude isn’t about blindly forcing positive thoughts and ignoring any tough times – but it’s about shifting your mindset and looking for growth opportunities in challenging situations.
In every situation, in every challenge, there’s a choice – what are you planting in the garden of your life right now? Let’s keep planting those flowers together.
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Connect with Tabitha:
- Have any questions for me or want to chat? Connect with me on Instagram at @radiantwomanhood or @tabithablue
- Check out my TikTok at @tabitha.blue
Related episodes:
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- Listen to Episode 22 – Dr. Francesca Le Blanc on How To Hack Your Hormones To Better Health, And Get Rid Of Brain Fog, Fatigue and Belly Fat!
- Download my planning worksheets to help organize your life
- Download my *free* gratitude journal
- Check out my blog, the Fresh Mommy Blog
- Use my discount code FRESHMOMMY at Better Greens

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